This summer, therefore, is a little weird. Special year of fruit. Tomatoes and peppers are not too good, they are given and given. The worst appearance I see in the Jewish and Jewish days, which seem to have improved with the passage of summer and daylight. The best of them, like almost every year, are beans that live with corn. And it's a year of apples. But attention, whoever wants to cider, the apple comes early compared to other years, about three weeks earlier, especially in apples of interior.Aunque in our country is a very prosperous
year of apple, in Europe they say the opposite. This year’s apple harvest will be lower than last year’s. Between 2013 and 2014 the apple harvest grew by 15% and between 2014 and 2015 it will contract by around 5%. I hope the native has a better appreciation. The World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA), meeting approximately one month ago in Merano, Italy, confirmed the figures on the collection of less than 12 million tonnes of apples. All these issues concern the 28 Member States of the European Union. The most visible variants in Europe are: Golden Delicious, 2.5 million tons; Gala, 1.3 million tons; Idared, 1.1 million tons; and Red Delicious, 0.6 million tons. Switzerland, the United States and Canada will also be affected by the application of this new apple, while in Ukraine, China and Russia will be produced ascensos.En
Euskal Herria we are mediocre; in the absence of house data, those who look at us from the outside are the following: In Spain, the apple harvest is expected to fall (in millions of kilos, from 505 to 486), while in France it will rise (from 1,444 to 1,594). Thanks to the help of climate, the apple is expected to be of good quality and good caliber. Those of us who make cider with external apple can get to think about how to dance your back! Yes, at the opening ceremony of the next season of the txotx in which we will be told that this year's cider is good or very good; in the foam on the cider, many lasaipoto.
192 milioi sagar 2024. urtean. Segundoero sei sagarretik gora saltzen du Britainia Handiko Tesco supermerkatu kate han ezagunak; ia 27.000 tona. Zenbaki ikusgarriak dira baina are harrigarrigoak dira bertokoak, Ingalaterrako sagarrak direla jakinda.
The McIntosh apple is mostly seen in computers, tablets, sepals and advertising. His logo marks very well what it is, the author got it right; it's an apple he lacks, as if someone had bitten him. And that's that McIntosha is a delicacy.
It's a Canadian national apple, because it's... [+]
The truth is that, outside the meadows of our house, I don't know in Euskal Herria this variety of apples. It has a long history, it's better to feel to read.
Our grandmother, Joxepa Aizpurua Irazu, was born when she was then Sidrería Aizpurua. It was previously a lagar... [+]
Sagardoaren Jatorri Izendapenak aukera itzelak ematen dituen tresna den arren, Euskal Sagardoa martxan jarri zenetik bildu den lehen uztan sagarraren prezio tamalgarriak mantendu dira.