Euri urak bustitzen ez duen gainazalen inguruko berria aipatu izan dugu sail honetan. Oraingoan, are zailagoa dirudien zerbait aipatuko dugu: ur azpian ere lehor mantentzen den materiala.
Northwestern Unibertsitateko (AEB) Neelesh A. Patankar ingeniariaren lantaldearen arabera, gainazalak ur azpian lehor manten daitezen itxura eta ezaugarri bereziak behar dituzte. Garrantzi handia du zimurtasunak; zimurretan dauden “haranen” diametroak mikroia, hots milimetroaren milarena, baino txikiagoa izan behar du, horrela lortzen baita haran horietan ur lurrina pilatzea ur likidoaren ordez. Ezaugarri hori hainbat ur-intsektuk dute, beraz naturan existitu egiten da jada.
Horrelako material batek abantaila itzelak eskain ditzake. Itsasontzietan, esaterako, oso ohikoa da ur azpian dauden aldeetan animalia ugari itsastea; horrek urarekiko erresistentzia handitu eta erregai kontsumoa handitzen du. Ontziaren gainazala lehor mantentzeak arazoa saihesten lagundu lezake.
It's the representation of a building as a body. Installation pipes like veins, columns and beams like skeleton, facade, a skin fiber. And the soul and the vital beat of the building are influenced by people, as they use and care for space.
An abandoned building. Both from the... [+]
Lucky us: 5G has been launched. As the experts here and there have explained, the fifth generation of telephony will bring about a significant improvement in the network. It's not just any change. And it's that, as you've already read in some places, there's going to be a big... [+]
Researchers of the University of Michigan (EE.UU.) And by nasa, they've created material that's able to cover the holes that appear on satellites and planes.
The new material is resinous and stands like a sandwich, that is, between two layers. In this way, the holes that form in... [+]
New Yorkeko eskola politeknikoko eta Deep Springs enpresako ikerlariek oinarri metalikoa duen konposatua sortu dute. Material berriak magnesiozko oinarria du, eta hartan txertaturik ditu siliziozko esfera hutsak.
Material horren dentsitatea 0,92 g/zm3koa da, urarena baino... [+]