Sharknado, Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark, Abraham Lincoln vs. Movies move online and their trailers and videos are turned on social media. You know that behind these absurd titles is a name: The Asylum.
In recent years, from Hollywood we have been bombarded uninterruptedly with hundreds of productions with remake, reboot, prequel and lack of serious originality. However, when compared to the films released by The Asylum, they appear to be the height of creativity.
And what exactly is The Asylum? An American film company dedicated to production and distribution, with some main features: low-budget films, parodisicological plagios of several pre-existing blockbusts, fictions that go directly to the DVD/Blu-ray market. Although it may seem strange, in most cases they are very profitable, as the originals leave before their premiere in cinemas, breaking all the records of time, copies of films (Mockbuster). When they announced Pacific Rim, for example, they quickly rolled Atlantic Rim. Most of them have been shot in four months.
To these special effects of scam and evil do we have to add the bad list of actors from the last line, or the relatives of known actors. Cousin of brother I don't know who, uncle of that other's son... In the 1980s and 1990s, strange series also played a role in these fictions: Works at Power Rangers like Steve Urkel (Jaleel White) or others lost in ostracism.
And where does success come from? The company was founded in 1997 and was initially dedicated mainly to the production of horror films. But because of competition, in 2005 they started to change trend. That same year, Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson released King Kong and The War of the worlds, respectively. Of course, the people of Asylum rose in the shrine of H. Dr. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds and King of the Lost World were brought in.
Menuda juerga! In 2006, The Da Vinci Treasure, Snakes on the Train and Pirates of Treasure Island (The Da Vinci Code, Snakes On a Plain and Pirates of Caribean, of course); in 2007, Transmorphers, etc. Needless to say, films are very bad, so they are obviously great for laughing among friends.
In this sense, there is another curious concept, the high concept, which is expanding more and more in the Hollywood area in recent years. Films that look like nonsense on paper, but that have great success and extraordinary incomes. Like the case of The Asylum, it is essential that the premise of this film be counted in a single sentence. Silly? Or pure genius? An example of this kind of film is the aforementioned Snakes On a Plane: a snake airplane. It can be summarized so easily, because with the title of the film we can know what it is referring to. To be successful, three essential requirements must be met: that the film has a violent promotion, that it sells as much merchandising as possible and, above all, that it involves a slim and handsome actor who triumphs among teenagers. They're just prodigs of interpretation, like Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart or Zac Efron.
So you know, don't waste your time with the script. Hire a guy like Weinstein to spread the film around the world, choose a well-known and handsome actor (good or bad, no matter how); create and enrich a vast collection of t-shirts and dolls! One that just happened to me: A crew of Frenchmen trapped for two weeks in a sidra without cider.
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