2000 eta 2010 artean neurtutako datuetatik abiatuta, AEBetako zientzialari talde batek ezarri du urtero 400.000 kilometro kubo euri egiten duela munduan. Horietatik 116.500, lehorrean. Eta horietatik 45.900 ibai eta errekatan biltzen dira eta gainerakoa lurrindu egiten da.
On the Internet comes the title of a movie that I still saw when I was growing up looking for the word Willow. In this fantasy film, the protagonist, a small man named Willow, transformed the world by liberating its inhabitants from an oppressive kingdom. Google just launched a... [+]
The understanding and interpretation of the mathematical language is what is important in the learning process, at least it is what we say to our students. The language of mathematics is universal, and in general, the margin of error for interpretation tends to be small. We... [+]
Perhaps one of the weaknesses of human beings is the tendency we have to listen to and care for the majority. It has certainly been an important feature of the development of our species and necessary for survival. But with digitalization, that characteristic that we have makes... [+]
In Bilbao, I worked for five years with groups at risk of exclusion around the digital divide, especially with women. Along the way, I came across machistan violence and many other problems. In a very organic way, I began to relate to myself and to understand the work of the... [+]
The evolution that the Internet has taken over the last 15 years, together with its technological and business model, makes us think that it is a tool to increase the worst aspects of humanity. Around the world, agents have been created that are not satisfied with this idea... [+]
London 1928. At the Victoria and Albert Museum there was a very special painting: in the painting there is a black man, with wig and Levite, surrounded by books and scientific instruments. Thus it was catalogued in the Museum: “Unique satirical portrait representing a failed... [+]