Bizi Baratzea's last introductory talk took place in Fraplana before the summer break. The square was atypical. In order to carry out a one-week camp, the organizers organised a fair of organic products that, by the way, we enjoyed the highest quality!, and they thought that Jakoba Errekondo’s explanations of the book would fit perfectly in that context. I had guessed it.
As in many other occasions, most of the doubts were about irrigation. The recommendation made by Errekondo in general not to irrigate the garden forces almost all listeners to dismantle what they have learned. Let us not say anything in Frackanpada, in the heart of the dark plain of central Álava. As there is no absolute truth, and in the orchard less than anywhere else, the main conclusion we had in the backpack was that about twenty people gathered there adapted to the local and the occasional.