There are a thousand interesting possibilities to enjoy classical music this summer, but among all the concert that the Trio Easo will offer, within the cycle “Quincena Andante” of the Quincena Musical, would not miss it. For many reasons. To begin with, the musical quality of the components of this group is demonstrated. Soprano Miren Urbieta, pianist and organist Arkaitz Mendoza and trumpeter Erlantz Fernández are young musicians, but they still have a very successful career. On the other hand, they offer a very attractive and elegant program, located in the Baroque era. From Miren Urbieta, among others, we will be able to hear Dido and Aeneas from Henry Purcell, from When I am laid in earth, Destero Dall’empia de Haendel, from Amadigi di Gaula de Haendel, or Let the bright Seraphim from Seraphim, a couple of composers. The trumpet will also have its individual space, playing three Scarlatti arches.
But, apart from musical reasons, there is another reason to choose at least one of the three concerts they will give. We will be able to visit Araia, Mutriku or Amurrio, and this is another incentive. Remember that on 8 August in Araia, on 12 in Mutriku and on 17 in Amurrio we will have the opportunity to listen to good music.
I don't want my daughter disguising herself as a Gypsy in the caldereros. I don’t want Gypsy children at my daughter’s school to dress up as Gypsies in caldereros. Because being a gypsy is not a disguise. Because being a gypsy is not a party that takes place once a year, with... [+]
Zerbait egin beharra izan liteke aurtengo Argia Sarietan garaikurra jaso berri dutenen oinarria. Zapalkuntzaren, bazterkeriaren, ahanzturaren aurrean antolatzearen erabakia hartu izana. Edo ilunetik argia ateratzea, zirrikituak bilatzea eta komunitateari eskaintzea. Balio... [+]
The road goes by steps, and I learned a little while ago that it seems to have already begun. But people also want to learn to fill that sentence with content. Alone we could achieve little, maybe even resignation as soon as we started. Gathering huge crowds can also complicate... [+]
Ez zuen egoki jokatu, neurriak hartu behar ziren, bestela, ez dugu ikasten. Itxuraz, ez zen ohartzen egindakoaren inpaktuaz, normal jarraitzen zuen, batzuetan, ingurukoek baino itxura zoriontsuagoz. Gainera, altuegi hitz egiten du, hori ez zaio inori gustatzen. Darabiltzan... [+]
The Department of Education doesn't understand why public employees have gone on strike. He's got to ask the LAB Syndicate. This union signed an agreement with the department in April 2023. Two years later they have also called for a strike because, unlike the previous ones, the... [+]