Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Merkel's Revenge and the Troika

The Troika and Merkel were humiliated when the Greeks rejected their anti-social measures in the referendum in Germany. For now, vengeance has come, both for that people and for their government. Greece has managed to enter the euro, it has managed to restructure the debt, despite the fact that the troika, Merkel and its partners did not want to know about it, and that Athens was sitting in the euro. To this end, drastic measures have been taken by capitalism such as labour reform, the reduction of pensions and the privatization of sectors such as electricity. In addition, it will have to set up a privatisation fund to sell public assets and state assets, with a sum of EUR 50 billion, to ensure a new bailout.

They, so “Democrats”, are trying to create a break within Syriza and are trying to get the Greek Government moving from the leftist positions advocated by Tsipras to the neoliberal right that led the country to disaster. The troika and Merkel want to change the political and social leftist system represented by Tsipras, to put the political managers who are faithful slaves to their capitalist system. The Greek people who have democratically elected their government have been a coup d'état, as it was agreed in the referendum to renounce these measures. When someone raised their heads against their impositions, the Troika and Merkel have shown very well who sends here.

The Greek Parliament has approved a ‘bad but inevitable agreement’, which was approved by Tsipras, under the threat of the troika and Merkel. The vote has shown that there is division within Syriza – 33 of the party’s 149 parliamentarians voted against – and that the elections may have to be brought forward. That was also the objective of the Troika and Merkel. The next few days will be decisive to see if this is going to happen. I hope that the Greek input will be retained!


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