Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"Even if the gas doesn't come out now, the temptation of fracking is going to be there."

  • Mikel Otero, member of the Fracking Ez Euskadi platform, has stated that the movement will have to redefine itself in the fall.

23 July 2015
"Ez dugu borroka amaitutzat eman nahi, beste aldean lobby boteretsua dago eta", dio Oterok.Unai Brea

Were you afraid that the passage of the law preventing fracking in the CAV would have a demobilizing effect?

The question is heard again and again in Fracacada. The groups that come from outside say that in Euskal Herria we have been strong, that we have been an example for many. Now we have got the law, and what is going to happen? We have to think deeply, because we know that when the law has come elsewhere, many people have thought: “We can now relax.” We do not want to end the struggle, we must not forget that on the other side there is a powerful lobby, which will now, even if it has taken a step back, return.

Who is that lobby?

It must be borne in mind that, after all, fracking is a further step within a model based on fossil fuels. This will become increasingly clear at a time when conventional ones are starting to run out. The fracking option will always be there, even if the gas is no longer extracted, that temptation will come back again and again. If we don't turn that around, it'll be a Pandora's box that we'll have there.

They have welcomed the Basque law. The PNV, for its part, said that support would be greater if a five-year moratorium had been added to their proposal.

We have always said that we wanted to bring the voice of the public to Parliament and that technically we were not specially trained. However, we have consulted some experts and what they have told us is the opposite: that the moratorium gives the law insecurity, because it would be a general rule and precisely on the basis of this generality have come the resources of the Government of Madrid and the fact that the Constitutional Court has suspended other laws.

We take for granted what has been approved, but we believe that the best thing is the law process, the collection of signatures, etc. It has served to strengthen the movement against fracking. Many people have gathered us together, and that immense popular support has helped the political parties to retreat; today there is no party that is pro-fracking.

Navarre gave the prohibitive law that the State has suspended. Can the CAV road be a mirror in Navarre?

If it is shown that Basque law really paralyses fracking, I think it can be an example to do the same in Navarre. If possible through a bottom-up process promoted by the popular movement. It is a process that is not going to be contaminated by partisanship.

Argia ere Frackanpadan izan da

Subilla Gasteizen, Euskal Herriko lehen putzuak zulatzekoak ziren inguruan egin da frackingaren aurkako eta bestelako energi eredu baten aldeko  nazioarteko kanpaldia. 200-300 lagun izan dira bertan etengabe, egun eta gau, eta gehiago joan-etorrian. Balorazio sakonagoa egiteke, antolatzaileak pozik agertu ziren ekimenaren azken egunean. Esan zutenez, Frackandaparen arrakastak erakusten du EAEn haustura hidraulikoa eragozten duen legea onartzeak ez dituela lokarrarazi teknika horren aurkariak. 

Argiak ere ipini du aletxoa kanpaldian. Besteak beste, Gerorik ez da animaziozko dokumentalaren euskarazko bertsioa eman genuen lehen aldiz, eta hari buruzko eztabaida gidatu genuen ondoren. Halaber, Jakoba Errekondok Bizi baratzea liburuaz jardun zuen Frackanpadaren azken egunean. 

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