On July 4, Jabi Lauzurika died in a car accident. Exit to the mountain in Arrosa (Baja Navarra). Natural from Durango, lived in Bilbao. Lauzurika was well known in the world of Bertsolarism and in the world of Euskera, especially in the surroundings of Bilbao. He participated in the creation of the Kafe Antzokia of the Biscay capital and the Zenbat Gara company, which manages it. In recent years, Gabriel Aresti was a professor of the Basque Country and also a speaker of the broadcaster Bilbo Hiria. He was also a member of the Potojorran Bertsos School.
He was honoured on 9 July in the Kafe Antzokia of the Basque capital.
Agorrilaren 27an igorri nizuen gutunean, irailaren 10eko auzian euskaraz deklaratzeko asmoa nuela adierazi nizuen. Auzi honen hastapenean, epaile nagusiari euskaraz zekienez galdegin nion. Gutxiespenarekin ezetz erantzun zidan. Orduan, nere gutuna eskuratu zuenez frantsesez... [+]
“Yes, that will be an assembly… or a joke made by someone… or something taken out of context…
“No, dear, here’s the video, listen to the interview.
- Oxtia, yes! – spinning around the eyes in the holes.
J. couldn't believe it. However, it is not incredible, it is... [+]
Beware of that view of the South. Firstly, to demystify the blind admiration of the green land, the white houses and the red tiles, unconditional love, fetishism associated with speech and the supposed lifestyle. It leaves, as Ruper Ordorika has often heard, a tourist idea... [+]