In addition to the course, I have looked again at this one which is the last Zirta of the near future: what I have written since I began in September. I have expanded and tested the folder where I have saved all the articles, above all, that I have dedicated myself to literature and creation, sometimes as the main theme, sometimes as a cross-section line and others as a cane. As far as the names themselves are concerned, I have used many examples from outside here, but although I have not made it explicit, I have also noticed that I have had a concern about the Basque literature in my head. Not so much the texts, the possible plurality or the low sale, to which the Basque country does not want to add. I've been worried about what each one's glasses are, how we live in the community, how you can put one when you've just arrived in the community and suddenly it's become your own name.
This course has been a central theme in conversations with friends and friends, because as I have been told by many acquaintances and newcomers, “lately I see you everywhere” or “to what success, maja” has crossed me with the novel I wrote for the first time. Despite the fact that I have discarded the issue for a long time because of the excessively egocentric, I want to be honest and talk about “I’m very happy”, inertia but sincerely in the conversations, headaches or consequences.
In a context like ours, the foams of success are, of course, small, as are the tragedies we take three meals a day without making a special effort compared to the problems of those sleeping in the Kutxabank office. But we don't live in absolutes, we live in relative ones, and their headaches live the person. Therefore, I was sent to the summit, with a love that I had not meditated too much, and that I had published fairly easily and (without wishing to belittle the work done) a book. Some cimes give us a measure of ourselves in its greatness: in truth, we are nothing more than this flesh of ours and those we have made. But others can blur their eyes and make them believe that a job done with dignity is much more than that. Because this work opens you up a thousand windows, a thousand collaborations, and you can forget that there are many others before and at the same time as you, that will cause you to become ephemeral as you have been uploaded, that you are not just what others believe fresh or interesting in you.
You can forget that you liked writing and not being Danele Sarriugarte.
Maybe it has not happened to everyone, but to me it is: a discomfort to the construction of a public character, without wanting to dedicate oneself to an activity that is also public, while thanking for its advantages. Our microclimate purposefully fulfills the conditions to create a slightly showy, and no one taught me how to manage it. In any case, I have done something good, and that has not been so much, to be able to analyze situations with rigor or or to sewing the long sentences well, but to surround those who are willing to humiliate them when I vote. The five stars on my phone agenda have not completely evaporated me.
I knew that, but I've learned that applause can be as dangerous as whistling, if you don't digest it properly.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
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