Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"I'm going to be Abertzale president in a society where most are not Abertzales."

  • Uxue Barkos, the first Basque President of Navarre.
Dani Blanco
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Did you grow up in an Euskaldun environment?

His father's family was from Caparrós and his mother from Tafalla, but in his parents' house there has always been a nationalist atmosphere because he was an Abertzale father.

Did you and your brothers come from those strange children who were studying at the first ikastola in Pamplona?

Yes. We were very strange. When I walked in at three years old, the ikastola was not yet called San Fermin. It was very hard and beautiful times.

I recently read to La Chula Potra what I thought of myself in an article directed to Monedero [Juan Carlos, former secretary of Podemos]. He said very nice things, but when he talked about the bourgeoisies of the ikastola San Fermin, you see that a lot of people don't know how brave those parents were. The situation was not easy and they had to play hard. Seeing the attitude of our parents, I believe that we have lived politically in an atmosphere of democratic resistance. And many others like us. We owe it to them that we are Basques.

Why did you choose journalism?

I decided very young that I wanted to be a journalist. My father didn't like anything, but I was very clear. Ours is a trade, as García Márquez said.

Is direct communication what you like the most?

Radio and television are what I always liked. Television news and radio interviews. I find it difficult to do television interviews. It's so artificial that it costs to reach complicity. The other time I was with Julian Iantzi in the newly released Television Navarra, and the two of us were alone, seeing that there was no camera… ui! It can be very dangerous, because you drop too much, maybe too much.

Will you be a journalist?

Yes. I have the plaza at EITB. I understand that going back to the news feed is going to be very difficult, but otherwise, why not? I would like, for example, to interview politicians.

Has it helped you become a journalist in the jump to politics?

It helps, above all, when it comes to removing fear and also when it comes to expressing messages concisely and concisely. So far nothing else.

And what headline are you going to get?

Don't believe it. You're not always right.

Is politics tough?

Life is hard. My father loved politics a lot. Maybe it's him that I have to be a journalist. In journalism, I've also experienced very difficult times. I remember, for example, how, following the attack by Miguel Ángel Blanco, in 1997, we started to receive calls from different points of the state, at EITB. We were told that we were ETA members, because while the Ertzaintza emptied the TV headquarters, a grenade launched a projectile in front of us.

What have been the hardest moments since you made the leap into politics in 2003?

Nafarroa Bai broke.

What about the diets collected at the congress and at the city hall and the claims about patrimony?

In this kind of media attack, you see mostly your parents suffering. The truth is that my family has done it well so far and I do not regret it at all.

How has the experience of being in two places at once been?


Would you do it again?

No. It has been too much work. But it's true that if you compromise, you have to be there until the end.

Was the disappearance of Nafarroa Bai in 2011 a big step backwards?

Yes, it was very sad, especially because then, like today, we saw that that political space exists.

Where has the force for the resistance of the Navarros emerged from?

Many people think that the witness we have taken is the one we have to move to the next ones, and to do so, the axis is language. Our nicest ikurrina has to be the Basque and from there things have to change democratically.

For me, Euskera is indispensable. While in Madrid, our son Xabier started in a school there when he was three years old. Until then, our relationship had been reduced from Basque to Spanish. I suffered terribly. Her husband got it right away and we decided to come to Pamplona so that Xabier could learn Basque. Jesus understood very well how important it was for me for Xabier to be Basque.

In the last elections, the Abertzale vote has for the first time exceeded the EUR 100,000 barrier.

The other day Juan Cruz Alli told me to remember that we also have non-nationalist votes. I know that, and if I am president, I have to be the president of all Navarros. It is clear to me that I will be Abertzale President in a society in which most citizens are not nationalists.

Now, non-nationalist citizens have also relied on the Abertzales. That damn about the vasquism that UPN has driven is starting to break, and that's very important.

Far away independence?

I would certainly not dare to activate the fourth transitional provision now. We would surely lose it by a long time. It was a great step forward that there were so many votes in favour of the Abertzales, but we have to do so with a great deal of respect, and I would not accept a decision by Navarre with all the prejudices we have. Navarre is not a free political subject today.

On the exchange side, introduce the PSN. Are you sure of that?

I take the votes of the Socialists. I'm sure. For eleven years I have had the opportunity to speak with old socialist women and men in various localities in the Bank. They were the ones who had to suffer the consequences of the civil war, and in them, frankly, I see positions in favour of change. What kind of management is the PSN going to do with these votes? They'll see it. It is no bad thing that the keys of government are not in their hands, because we cannot trust them.

Do the Navarros Socialists not deserve the direction they have?

I totally agree.

Has this been an opportunity for the change of fate?

Yes, and only 26 seats have been reached. In favour of change we agree that we must do things well, with complete peace of mind, and not only in the next four years, but also in the next legislatures.

How do you see the evolution of EH Bildu?

Since ETA is not in society it is easier to speak. From there, we have many things in common and others not, as with other political forces. The programmatic work we have done so far has actually been much easier than was thought, and the discrepancies have also been put on the table. This beautiful atmosphere does not mean, however, that there are no differences. They exist and they are deep as they are in society.

What are they?

Often methodological. Let me give you a clear example: during the campaign a lot has been said about the High-Speed Train. Among the progressive groups, Geroa Bai was the only one to defend. I-E and EH Bildu defend the transport of goods between 100 and 120 km per hour and the transport of people between 200 and 240 km per hour. We can give that the name we want, but it's the High-Speed Train. On the other hand, from the outset we have denounced the mismanagement of UPN, the pact with the state is also very bad, and we do not agree with the priority of the infrastructures that they have drawn. In our opinion, at the moment we must turn that project around and ensure the “Greek I”. We are going to manage that package of discrepancies.

Should the Navarro economic pact and the Basque concert with Madrid be negotiated jointly?

Yes. It's a classic. The Basque Government negotiates with Madrid something about the concert and then UPN brings Navarre a bad copy of it. The APR pact, for example. The difference between the two agreements is enormous. The attitude of UPN whenever he has sat down to negotiate with Madrid has been ambition and lack of firmness. Montoro raised the question of Volkswagen's VAT and, at the same time, proposed the negotiation of the peace treaty. We have insisted not to accept blackmail. What has finally happened? That we have regressed in the economic pact. We have lost the opportunity to manage the new taxes, because the sword of Damocles, of 1.5 billion, was on top. UPN has admitted that this is not the reform they wanted, but that they had to approve and that they have a political responsibility, which is that of the government.

Complicated solution?

A lot. We will not be able to change it, perhaps by next year. It is very important for us that the foreign territories collect taxes that did not yet exist when the concert and concert were signed.

One thing surprised me when I got to politics: how little interest politicians in general have in photographing reality. What is the picture of reality? What I need. I'm told I have a great passion for data accuracy, and that's right. That's where journalism has helped me a lot. Let us see what our reality is, let us do a pedagogical work so that in Spain they understand what the outbreaks are.

How has the experience been in the Congress of Deputies in Madrid?

Very beautiful. I've made good friends, for example, Labordeta. He told me one day that he had been asked who was the most beautiful congressman and told them I was. "Thank you José Antonio! ", I told him and he said to me: “No, because I don’t remember what is called that beautiful Canary of the PP.”

You have often been the most valued politician.

“But you haven’t even overcome it,” my son says.

Four years ago, you've had breast cancer and you've overcome it. Do you see life differently now?

I have the same fear of death, but it is true that in such circumstances you look directly at death. In our privileged society, cancer is one of the few things that reminds us of death.

Nortasun agiria
Uxue Barkos Berruezo

(Iruñean sortua 1964ko uztailaren 5ean). Sei anai-arreben artean nagusia. Kazetaria lanbidez eta laster Nafarroako Gobernuko presidente berria, eta euskalduna lehen aldiz. Kazetari bezala Europa Press agentzian, Navarra Hoy egunkarian, Telenavarran eta 1990az geroztik EITBn egin du lan.

Hamaika urte daramatza politikagintzan, hasieran Nafarroa Bai koalizioarekin eta Geroa Bairekin orain. Madrilgo Kongresuan diputatua izan da 2004tik 2015era eta Iruñeko Udaleko zinegotzia 2007tik aurrera, joan den hilabetera arte.  

Jesus Gonzalez kazetari galiziarrarekin ezkondua dago eta 12 urteko mutiko baten ama da. Duela lau urte bularreko minbizia izan zuen. Contra viento y marea liburuan bildu zituen bizipenak. Orain Nafarroako aldaketa politikoaren gidaritza hartu du. “Bizitzaren oso une ederrean” dagoela dio.

Off the record
Txistorraren ondorioak

“Kanpainan Nafarroako txistor guztia jan dut eta egiten dudan ariketa bakarra argazkiak egiterakoan sabela sartzea da. Agendan sartuta daukat astean bi aldiz soinketa lekura joatea, bestela, gaueko hamarretan ez naiz gauza gimnasia egiteko”.

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