Durango 1921. His father fled to Cuba from the war in Africa. Then Kontxi Mañarikua's father and family left. It has been in Cuba since the age of 4, and has some blurred memories of Euskal Herria, whether from Durango or Mundaka. There he has lived, as a family, even in times before and after the revolution, always dedicating himself to the upbringing of the family. He has two sons, Carlos Manuel, an engineer at Mariel, and Diony, a university professor. As he enthusiastically said, he has four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, “descendants of a Basque and an Asturian”. Kontxi Mañarikua is one of the Euskaldunes of a generation in Havana, less and less numerous.
The epic is built on the lives of many men and knowing that makes society more mature.” The writer Bibiana Candia is right. In Azucre (Pepitas de Calabaza, 2021) we are told the tragedy of the enslaved Galician migrants of the 19th century, but that story would have been... [+]
AEBetako Defentsarako Inteligentzia Agentzian analista lana egiten zuen, eta hainbat informazio sekretu helarazi zizkion Kubako Gobernuari 1984tik aurrera. 2001ean atzeman zuen FBIk, eta 25 urteko espetxe zigorra ezarri zion. Bere aurkako 2002ko epaiketan egin bezala, orain... [+]