In our society, the problems of depression and anxiety are becoming more widespread. The path to healing is long in general, but in an article recently published in the journal Nature we have known a new and interesting way to cure depressions. It's about, to put it simply, activating with rays of light brain neurons with positive memories.
Tests on mice have yielded spectacular results: in almost all cases, neurons have been activated and depression eliminated by introducing light rays into the exact position of the brain of mice that have suffered an intentional depression.
The problem is that putting the light with a fiber in the head is very aggressive. However, knowing that the outcome can be satisfactory, the next challenge will be to find the right technological pathways for light to enter the mind in a simple way.
We are now talking more about mental health, psychological well-being and its impact on our quality of life. It is a source of joy, because it helps to get the subject out of the closet, because by showing that the pain we all have (and not a few) the discomfort normalizes and... [+]
Haur eta gazteen egoera emozional eta psikologiko txarra dela-eta, irakasleak gaindituta daudela eta ikastetxe bakoitzean psikologo bat ezarri beharko litzatekeela aldarrikatzen du mugimendu batek. Hari horri tiraka, jakin nahi izan dugu zein den pandemiak eskoletan utzi duen... [+]
Last summer I taught a course on the prevention of neurosis as part of the Hik Hasi educational meetings. Many people signed up because the title was attractive, the safest, because it implied that mental health (or lack of health) is not something random, but something that can... [+]
The third meeting of Basque psychologists was held in Eibar in November 2019. The meeting highlighted the need to create a network between those of us who have psychology and Basque as a Nordic language. It also seemed urgent to us to make visible and share the work of those who... [+]
Gero eta eremu gehiagotan musukoa kentzeko aukera ematen ari zaizkigunean, fenomeno esanguratsua atzeman dute hainbat nerabe eta gazterengan: ez dute musukoa kendu nahi, norbere konplexuak, segurtasun-gabeziak eta autoestimu baxua ezkutatzeko aproposa baita maskara, kanon... [+]