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Limit on economic returns

  • Make more parties, gather more people, make more money. “So far it has brought us the wheel,” said Nagore Iñurrategi, President of the Parent Coordinator of Eskola Txikiak of Gipuzkoa, and Mikel Goñi, Coordinator of Eskola Txikiak’s teachers. They have decided to break the vicious circle, which becomes a profit-free party. How, then, to meet the needs of the Eskola Txikiak?
Eskola txikiko ikaslea, Nagore Iñurrategi Gipuzkoako Eskola Txikietako Gurasoen Koordinadorako zuzendaria eta Mikel Goñi Eskola Txikietako irakasleen koordinatzailea, Gabiriako festan. Ez du alferrik “Txikitasunean handi” hartu lelotzat.
Eskola txikiko ikaslea, Nagore Iñurrategi Gipuzkoako Eskola Txikietako Gurasoen Koordinadorako zuzendaria eta Mikel Goñi Eskola Txikietako irakasleen koordinatzailea, Gabiriako festan. Ez du alferrik “Txikitasunean handi” hartu lelotzat.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

From now on, the party that was held in Gabiria on 14 June will be taken as a basis. It is the result of a phase of reflection. According to Nagore Iñurrategi, “three years ago we saw difficulties to face the party, escaping us for the dimensions it took. The peoples had no illusion to organize the party, they saw it as a burden and that already ignited all the alarms. Two years ago in the House we came up with a question as to whether we would still celebrate or not. The assembly was in favour of continuing, but maintaining change.” Mikel Goñi explained that the teachers also felt the need for a change in the Basque educational system. The media, following the logic of the ikastolas festivities, asked them what the money earned would be invested in, “and that was not the holiday model we wanted to promote.” Last year, they began to bring to a document the points agreed between teachers and parents. A regulation is gradually being defined which will serve as a basis for all parties. It will be put to the vote at the beginning of the course.

Foundations of the Feast of the Future

As Goñi has pointed out, one of the main features of the project will be the public character: “We have no other solution, we have to be public as we have it, and the party has to be part of it. Are there any economic benefits? Well, they can be used for next year’s party, but the goal should not be that.” Iñurrategi felt the need to highlight the character of the whole network: “The people who organize it have lived as if it were a party of their people. Of course, the people themselves take on great importance and are protagonists, but it is the Festival of Small Schools, which represents all small schools.”

How does philosophy get to the party?

Iñurrategi has explained the gap between theory and practice: “In the Classroom of Ideas we can all agree: what we want is to meet, to claim that we are here... but when organizing the party, economic fears and the rest arise.” They say that the budget that the Feast of Gabiria has had is the right one to base it, since it would be Gabiria’s “most expensive party”: Gabiria has no shelter, you have to put transportation to arrive... In Iñurrategi’s words, “our intention is to mark the basic amount of infrastructure, but each year the needs of the site will be studied. In the event, the activities of the morning have been games and in the afternoon a show (circus)”.

Goñi explained that it was also decided to limit the sale of t-shirts: “The t-shirt has become a burden of tension in recent years. If it is not an economic benefit, why have so much work going and selling? T-shirts can be a way of getting in, but there are also other ways.” Iñurrategi talks about the role played by t-shirts: “They serve to make them visible, they are mobile advertising. There is a question of identity, going on holiday and pressing! Little school!’ we found ourselves happy. The sale makes sense in Gipuzkoa, in some valleys, we will not stay alone in our village! But from there we have limited it.” Regarding the benefits, Iñurrategi highlights an important factor: “In the budgets we also want to count the work that is done without charging, because our festivities are based on voluntary work and the benefits come from there.”

How are small schools?

Although the Eskola Txikiak are public, sometimes they are needs – because the buildings are in a poor state, the municipalities have a very low budget – and because of their size they are constantly working to perpetuate themselves: in most cases, the new schools have been opened or preserved due to the activity of the citizenship, not directly by the administration. Does the money of the party not also fulfil the function of a resistance box? Goñi replied: “In the Eskola Txikiak we have needs, but we have to work them in other ways, we don’t have to take advantage of the party to get money to meet them. Maintaining relations with the administration is essential. We must seek the involvement of the administration. In the time that I am the coordinator of the teaching staff, I have felt that the administration is willing to work these paths, to speak... even though at times it has set its limits”. He gave examples: “They have set up the school in Ezdox-Itsaso and elsewhere, for example, in Gatzaga they have not allowed the Primary Room to open.” It says that when the government’s involvement is not achieved, other avenues have been addressed: “When they were very tight in Lizartza, their parents began to protest and influence. Also those of Arroa and Oikia, those of Alkiza... Let’s see if that’s how we get everyone to improve the situation.”

From a general point of view, it has ensured that the situation of small schools is very good: “But there are some that are very bad. Compared to teachers in other schools, small school teachers have great advantages in attending to children's education. In some cases we also have difficulties in keeping the existing teachers, and to do so we have to make efforts. This year, for example, we have found some closed doors, so we have to make a way again between the administration and the teachers: working the methodology, working the relationship with the parents... We have to address these issues.”

They indicate that another reason to elaborate the party regulation is that the relationship between teachers and parents in the network of small schools has focused a lot on the organization of the party, “in the tension of the party”. From now on, they want to address local issues because, in Iñurrategi’s words, “the main problem of small schools cannot be the party. The problems that have been mentioned are the responsibility of the coordinator.” As he said, “after reflecting on the party, it is up to us to reflect on coordination. It is a pride to have so many small schools in Gipuzkoa, we are the only ones that maintain that vitality. On the part of the parents of the small school, in Euskal Herria we are the only ones who are so well organized. The Coordinator has great potential, a strong monthly dynamic. And we must be aware of the value of the coordinator and make greater use of her strength. We have to regain its function. That is the challenge of the future.”

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