We have reached Landare society and we have found David Garnatxo, who has been with a friend who is about to enter society. As regards local products and responsible consumption, Garnatxo explained to him that he will pay EUR 42 for entry, and that the 12 month quota is EUR 36 and the commitment to make an increase of two hours a year.
The change in consumption patterns is one of Landare's main objectives. organic products and, as far as possible, indigenous products as a tool for processing. We say this as much as possible, because it is not always possible for the product to be local, but they prioritize the food that is produced in the environment.
When contacting them, they take into account producers, be they actors or individuals, who acquire a social dimension. Understanding food as one of the keys to social transformation, they have direct contact with farmers and farmers, without intermediaries. Producers are taken over by the product they have bought and are unable to return what has not been sold. In addition, 80% of the sales profits go to the farmer, while the store keeps 20%, in the rest of the cases the farmer receives one tenth of the profits from shops and intermediaries. This group, which moves away from food speculation and gives importance to people and to production, is working towards a more sustainable and fair economy.
In the Rochapea and in Villava there is a warehouse of the Landare association, where members will be able to shop. They also organize exchanges of knowledge among their members, offering courses for those who have a broader knowledge on a subject. And a few years ago, they set up a dining room in the Errotaberri society of Pamplona. Seeing that the peñas are empty during the week, they thought to adapt them as restaurants. Today it is a dining room that operates independently and has no economic connection with Landare – but receives food from it. It brings together about forty clients a day and gives work to two friends.
In cities it is often difficult to maintain direct contact with the farmer. The members of Landare are also aware that in Pamplona it is not easy for the citizens to maintain this direct treatment. In this way, they are seen as an association to facilitate contact, so that local agriculture has a place in the urban world; and at the same time, from the city, we support local agriculture with a fairer social practice.
The project launched twenty-two years ago by anti-militarists and “crazy” environmentalists continues its course, from 40 partners to 2,400 initially. Member assemblies are the decision-making centers, although in recent years participation has been decreasing and these points of agreement are being rethought and remodeling. n
Izaera: Produktu ekologikoen kontsumitzaileen elkartea.
Sorrera urtea: 1993.
Hasierako bazkide kopurua: 40 pertsona.
Gaurko bazkide kopurua: 2.400 pertsona.
Langile kopurua: 23 pertsona.
Biltegien kokalekua: Iruñeko Arrotxapea auzoa eta Atarrabia
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Jarduera: Altzarien tapizatzea eta zaharberritzea.
Kokapena: Eibar.
Izaera juridikoa: Kooperatiba.
Noiztik martxan: 2014ko irailetik.
Kide kopurua: 2.
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