In the city there is a lot of expectation about what the San Fermin sucking will look like this year: Juanito Etxepare, Peña La Veleta, Orfeón...The
pacifier has a great symbolic value for the citizens and UPN has always acted excluding with this issue. Looking to the future, we are looking for a participatory formula that gives prominence to citizens. This year we will have to make an intermediate route and the ones you mentioned are there.
Will you or anyone else throw it away?
I personally do not want to play a leading role, but EH Bildu has had a degree of exclusion in recent years and should have a leading role.
In one way or another, ikurrina is a typical component of the sucking. Will there be Ikurrina somewhere in the City Hall?
Yes, it has always been, in the City Hall or abroad or in both. There will also be this year. To be officially, it is necessary to amend the Law of Symbols of Navarre. In the meantime, there are formulas for many Navarros to feel like an ikurrina of their own.
More participative parties are demanded on the street. How do you do that?
That's how the Sanfermines emerged. In recent years, UPN has tried to curb the Sanfermines, institutionalize the party; in addition to that, UPN has created tension. We want to turn it around. There are the Bureau of Sanfermines or the Bureau of Lockdown, today as a pot and we want to reactivate it. How can the Sanfermines be activated by turning their backs on the wedges or Gora Iruñea? That's completely false.
Are you a believer?
How will the new corporation participate in the Sanfermines procession?
Today the city is secular and the Sanfermines are the festival of the city, so you have to resize the festivities. Procession is not only a religious act, but has its social dimension and, therefore, the councillors must be free to be present for their social or religious dimension. The mayor must be there and there he will be; yes, the Mass and things like that are something else.
I've read to you that in life sometimes you have to be moderate and other extreme. What is now happening to you as mayor of Pamplona?
I will have to play with two components, but above all I have to be the mayor of the city, the one who voted for me and the one who did not vote for me. We are aware that many citizens have not voted for us out of fear, because of the apocalypse that UPN has worked on, and we would like the next time we are voted we to be able to do it without any fear.
He mentions that Geroa Bai, Aranzadi and I-E want in the municipal government. Will there be?
Yes. In the discussions we have had so far we are talking about four documents and we have accepted two, one on the code of ethics and the other on investiture. The other two relate to the programme and we have a high degree of consensus. Later on we will deal with nuances and discrepancies.
As for the ways of working, they say they intend to mix people from parties in the municipal areas.
[Surprise Gesture] I don't think I said that...
I heard it at a popular assembly in Aranzadi.
Ah, that's right, because that's what they want. We also believe that there must be transversality between the departments, above all because in the last legislature the departments have acted as closed spaces, without any coordination between them. As an example, once the City Hall organized three events in the Plaza del Castillo on the same day.
Therefore, do you see it possible for one department councillor to be from one party and a director from another?
Yes, such transtrusions would be possible, but trust and coordination among members of government is also very important. .
Transparency in negotiations. Aranzadi has cited three modalities: either being public, in streeming, or in consensual minutes. What do you think?
There are two extremes: on the one hand, some plenary sessions and committees are already sent by streeming and, on the other, meetings of other working groups are secret. Between the two there are great possibilities of knowing how to walk in every moment. To work freely, you can't argue with a camera on top. The important thing is to make it very clear what has been agreed. If the minutes are agreed and signed, it is enough. Well, I wouldn't have a problem doing it otherwise.
It is said that regime changes should also be made with people from before. What do you think? How far?
We will bring to the City Hall our style of work and philosophy. Our disagreement is with those who have managed the City Hall, but we are aware that in the City Hall they are people of great value and we want to take advantage of them. We want to enter the town hall with peace. People will take them into account for their value, not for their political mindset.
The Municipal Police has distinguished itself especially in the work of repression. Those cops will be there. How can we turn the situation around?
Within the Municipal Police, relations are now badly deteriorated. Yolanda Barcina, Enrique Maya and Simón Santamaría [former Municipal Police Chief] have left coexistence very difficult. Now some Municipal Police officers will be in our favour because we have managed to get UPN out. And on the other hand, others were comfortable with UPN and they welcome us with mistrust. We say to both sectors that we want peace and tranquillity and that we need to achieve a climate of collaboration within. Then, in the medium term, we must reflect on the model of municipal police that we need.
In Navarre there is much talk about the place that the PSN should occupy in the change. PSN How far and how should we get into the change of the City Hall?
The PSN has been against an option of change in recent years and has gone from being the UPN alternative to being the UPN chip. It has therefore become clear that they have not been useful for change. I have the impression that, for the time being, they have not changed their direction. We asked them for a meeting to speak quietly about the next legislature and they denied it to us, while the next day they met with UPN.
And in informal contacts with PSN members, has there been any other sign?
The election campaign was a good thermometer to see what that was going to be. The candidates are in many places and it has become clear, both in the attitudes and in the interventions, that today they are two blocs: on the one hand UPN and PSN, and on the other hand Geroa Bai, Aranzadi, Podemos, Left and EH Bildu. The PSN is still dreaming of the old regime.
In 1998 he condemned the murder of Thomas Caballero. Now you will also be asked to be sentenced to death by ETA many times. How are you going to respond?
What I have said so far. In very different circumstances, I also fought violence in 1998. I was presented and signed a letter, and now I would sign it as well. I am very clear about that. But I'm also clear that we came from a time when there have been many forms of violence. Fortunately now we are in another era, but we have to close the previous good: victims, repair, memory… When people stop me on the street they ask me about unemployment, evictions, etc, not because of the violence of the past.
Commenting on the evictions, how will they use the houses of the City Hall?
The City Hall has about 200 empty homes and at the time when families are staying on the street that is absolutely immoral. Housing has been seen as a business, but it is a right and therefore we will address the problem of housing from that base.
We go to the Old Town of Pamplona. The neighbors are very concerned that the neighborhood has become a media park of bars. How will they address the issue?
This saturation was seen at another time and there was a moratorium to open the bars. Then El Corte Inglés was founded and 1,858 shops were closed in Pamplona. How, then, to alleviate the image of the Old Town? Opening bars. This is how it was done. Furthermore, licences have been granted without taking into account the fact that bars are being built up. It will be seen, but perhaps now a moratorium is needed to study the issue and see where bars are needed and where not; licences will also have to be reviewed to see if the premises are being used according to it.
The important thing is to create a table to see how people’s right to leisure and the rights of neighbours and neighbours should be reconciled. We are driving a leisure model that is worth everything, a bustle in the street, dirty streets… there are other models.
How will you tell the new mayor of Yamaguchi what has been and what is Pamplona?
Starting with its name, Pamplona means city. This means that in his day he was born as a referent in his environment. Then, when we had our own state, that city became capital and never questioned among the Basques the priority that Pamplona had. When Navarre lost its independence, this story broke and went from being a reference in European cities to being a second- or third-class city in a state. They surrounded the walls and avoided their growth for 400 years, prohibiting their construction outside the walls. Those physical walls were demolished, and now, to be what we were in another time, we have to throw away the ideological walls that exist. This is the historical account I make of Pamplona.
With a recent history, the streets of Pamplona are still full of Francoist names and symbols. How are you going to act?
It is a work of urgencia.Es a matter of political will, for that there is no need for an extraordinary budget. The Plaza del Conde de Rodezno has not been renamed for lack of political will, and this, being Franco's Prime Minister of Justice, signed the death penalty for 50,000 people. The maintenance of this situation is a brutal aggression against the victims and against the historical memory.
You'll have the media right on your shoulder during the legislature. In Pamplona/Iruña they have great power. Fear?
No. I now feel more like the people who are in favour of change than the regime, and that is a great responsibility. On the street, a lot of people ask me: Will you do it right? I feel that burden. Since democracy was established in Pamplona, we have not had that opportunity and we have to do things well.
Iruñeko Alde Zaharreko Mañueta kalean jaio zen 1962an eta bi seme-alaben aita da. 1991tik da San Fermin ikastolako irakasle. Artearen Historian lizentziatu zen eta arlo horretan da doktore Nafarroako Unibertsitatetik. Bere garaian Itoizko Urtegiaren aurkako mugimenduan aritu zen. Oraintsuago Nafarroako konkistaren V. mendeurreneko dinamikan ibili da buru-belarri Nabarralde eta Nafarroa Bizirik elkarteetan, Euskal Herri osoan atzera aurrera. Hainbat argitalpen ditu eta Auñamendi entziklopediako kolaboratzaile da ondare historiko-artistiko gaietan. Igandero Iruñeko kaleei buruzko Adios Pamplona izeneko atala egiten du Diario de Noticias egunkarian.
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