Now that the everyday life of individuals has gone from being monotonous to being frantic, people have the need to step on the brake and return to their rhythms. Thus, the rise of tourism linked to well-being, ecology and sport is understood. In the towns and neighborhoods of the Zuia Group, perceptions, times and distances change, along with rhythms. Often, the success of the leak is to take slow and slow steps.
The hotel offer that has spread throughout the region is based on local products and on the hand of locals. Many restaurants, quarries, steakhouses and hostels surround the area, and their common feature are vegetables and meat grown in the valley.
Proof of this is the Agroturismo Uxarte of the Untzilla district of Aramaio. In the words of Gotzone Larrañaga, “the family atmosphere and the wonderful environment” is the lure of attracting visitors: “We give breakfast and dinner with the food from our garden. We make bread, biscuits and jam. We take the cheese from a quesero here and we also offer the honey of Aramaio to those who come to Uxarte. In addition to the products of the vegetable garden for dinner, the products of the valley predominate. We also have a small hamlet. We bring the animals and seasonal produce closer to the customers and let them pick up the food they're going to eat. We make bread as before with house yeast and in the wood oven.”
Crossing the Zuia Crew to the southwest we arrived from Aramaio to Lukiano, surrounding the skirts of the Gorbea. There awaits us Amada Lafuente, from the rural house Casa Lafuente. They wanted to make the life of the farmhouse available to today’s citizens, adding value to the most common tourist offer: “Casa Lafuente is a compensation to the family heritage. It is located in a green setting, surrounded by forests and mountains. The most brutal sound you can hear is a hill or a bark, and that is what anyone who comes here seeks, calm, calm, serenity...”. Amada recognizes that more and more people are coming closer to the goal of recovering health.
Elosu, Aramaio, Bitoriano, Lukiano, Ondategi, Maurga and Murgiako Erlia produce Gorbea honey, a product worth knowing, full of benefits. The tradition can be known in the Museum of Honey of Murgia. Idiazabal Cheese has a dozen producers in the region. You can taste in the villages of Nafarrate, Inoso, Goiuri, Abornikano, Etxebarri-Ibiña and San Pedro, and in the queserías of Aramaio, Barajue and Oleta. The breads, pastries, nougat and others of the region also stand out, especially the Euzki bakery of Aramaio and those of Echebarria de Murgia, Artzegi de Gopegi, Uraran de Izarra or Blanca Antoñana de Zarate.
Natural beer is also produced in the crew. It's called Baias, and it's made with water from the Baias River, which is born in the Gorbea Massif, in a microcarry in Urkabustaiz. On the contrary, with the flow of apples from the Aramaio Valley, other producers produce natural apple juice and cider.
Begoña Fresneda and Jon Zuazo, responsible for the Nafarrate Cheese, also carry out wood crafts and dried flowers; zinc plates, jugs, vases... Creams too. Nuria Conesa (Nuna) has been awarded the National Handicraft Prize. From the Domaikia factory it exports to the world unique and novel pieces handmade with felt and latxa sheep wool. The Loor craftsmanship is inspired by the Aramaio Valley and works leather and macramé.
Memoria eta Bizikidetzako, Kanpo Ekintzako eta Euskarako Departamentuko Memoriaren Nafarroako Institutuak "Maistrak eta maisu errepresaliatuak Nafarroan (1936-1976)" hezkuntza-webgunea aurkeztu du.
Espainiako Estatuko zentral nuklearrak itxi ez daitezen aktoreen presioak gora jarraitzen du. Otsailaren 12an Espainiako Kongresuak itxi beharreko zentral nuklearrak ez ixteko eskatu zion Espainiako Gobernuari, eta orain berdin egin dute Endesak eta Iberdrolak.
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Nork: Josu Iriarte, Nerea Lizarralde, Jare Torralba eta Amets Larralde. Mikel Martinezek zuzenduta eta Jokin Oregiren testuetatik abiatuta.
Noiz: otsailaren 21ean.
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