The President of the French State, François Hollande, has sent a letter to a Breton deputy, member of the party, and to a Bearnese senator. It is known, once again, that the way to ratify the European Treaty on Minority Languages is under way.
In 2012, the President of the Generalitat said that he would ratify the pact and that he intends to comply with what has been said. The fact is that there have been more promises and more attempts and that the French State has not ratified any of these promises for 23 years. Hollande would not opt for the referendum, but for the constitutional law to be drafted by the government. A third fifth of Parliament’s Members and Senators should give their assent.
It is better than ratifying the pact than not ratifying it. In any case, the Spanish State signed it in 2001 and we know what its position is. The Council Secretary-General, Paul Bilbao, says in Berria: “Now that it is to be ratified, we can look at this issue with a point of mistrust. To what extent would it take the necessary commitments for the recovery of our languages”.
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