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The living road, life on the road

  • The Bizi passes through Donostia-San Sebastian, a symbol of the struggles to overcome the climate crisis in Europe! The Alternatiba lap organized by the movement. 5 June. Taking this opportunity, they have organised an initiative that will bring together socio-economic alternatives, in a festive atmosphere, to raise awareness of the existence of alternatives and to promote joint work.
Bizi! mugimenduko kideak Alternatiba Tourraren sinbolo bilakatu den tamdenean. Parisko klimaren gailurrari begira mobilizazio handia antolatu dute.
Bizi! mugimenduko kideak Alternatiba Tourraren sinbolo bilakatu den tamdenean. Parisko klimaren gailurrari begira mobilizazio handia antolatu dute.Bizi!

A broad mobilization has been organised to raise public awareness of the risks of climate change and the alternatives to avoid it. about movement, as you rarely see in Europe. This year’s main initiative is the Vuelta Alternatiba, which through tamdas will be directed to Paris from Baiona. On 5 June, the appointment is in Donostia-San Sebastian, and on that occasion they have organized a village of Alternatiba in the Guipuzkoan capital. The initiative will take place the following day, Saturday, 6 June. It has a vocation to be the meeting point of projects that place life at the center. Around Matía Street, in the Old Town, an endless number of talks and activities will be held in one day. A total of 50 agents from Donostialdea will be involved.

Among these 50 players, each will contribute at their own pace and to the extent possible. Some will only participate on the same day, and others have been working for some time to make Saturday a holiday and claim. The main responsibility of the organization has been the conscious and transformative consumer network of Donostia-San Sebastián, Saretuz, based in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Maider Sagredo Eskudero and Alternatiben Herrixka have three objectives: to spread the message of the grave climate situation, to call for social and economic transition, and to make Donostialdea's alternatives visible. On the other hand, he stresses that the claim and the party are compatible: “That the issue is serious doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time. We want to get together and enjoy in a festive atmosphere.” Furthermore, it does not believe that this is an isolated day initiative: “Synergies are being created between actors and people, which will enable us to continue working together in the future.”

Local products between round tables

The plazas that cross Matia Street and the Gaztetxe Txantxarreka will be the main spaces with a broad program: alternative fair, street animation, craft fair, children's games, workshops, exhibitions, documentary screening… The round tables will also be included. Early in the morning they will talk about food sovereignty, and before food, they will be joined by EHZ members, Donostiako Piratak, Gora Iruñea and Eguzki’s comparison. The food will be made in the Old Fronton. Not in any case, in addition: Following the values of the Alternatives Village, they will taste a menu made with products of the time and the area. That's what they want to show on Saturday: that most of the things we do in everyday life can be done in a more sustainable way. “What’s more effective at proving it than the meals we eat at least three times a day?”

The transformative social economy is also the alternative

Although one of the main axes of Alternatiben Herrixka is the concern for climate, the agents involved not only work in the relationship with nature. They have approached the concept of alternative in a broader sense than the market, collecting all the projects that put people at the centre. As a sign of this, in the afternoon they will talk about the transformative social economy OlatuKoop, Fiare, the Women’s House and Emmaus, the Social Foundation.

Olaia Larruskain Mendiola works in Emaus and also in the organization of the Village of Alternatives. As he said, among his main lines of work is the so-called “solidarity economy”, which shares the objectives of the San Sebastian Meeting. “We want to make it clear that the social and solidarity economy is a real alternative.” Larruskain also considers collaboration and socialization of projects to be strategic. “There are alternatives in most sectors: consumption, production, finance, services, care… It is important that citizens know them; that if we want to influence society with economic decisions, there is where to choose.” It is considered that initiatives such as the Hamlet of Alternatives play an important role in this, since “in the university, for example, those who study degrees very close to the economy do not usually know this different model of economy”.

24 October Alternatiba Herria at the level of Euskal Herria in Bilbao

The event to be held on 6 June in Donostia-San Sebastian will bring together only Donostialdea agents and projects. However, it will only be a step forward, as on 24 October a National People of Alternatives will be held in Bilbao similar to the one that was made in 2013 in Baiona. “In Donostia-San Sebastián Saretuz, there were people who were ready to work. That’s why we decided to do another one before Bilbao.” This is affirmed by Unai Oñederra, one of the promoters of the Charter of Social Rights of the Basque Country. It is a Social Programme that aims to be an alternative to Basque society thanks to the joint work between different actors and social unions and a participatory project. They are working in the organization of the People of Alternatives of Bilbao, “to the demand for rights, because the creation of alternatives must be added”. According to Oñederra: “We are always committed to becoming a real alternative from marginality. The meeting points of Donostia and Bilbao will give us the opportunity to do so.”

Baionatik Parisera, 5.000 kilometroko Alternatiba Tourra

Ekainaren 5ean abiatuko da Baionatik pelotoia, Alternatiba Tour, baina hilabete lehenago Ingalaterrako Todmorden herrian burutu du prologozko etapa: maiatzaren 3an, “Alternatiba Todmorden”, non eta mundu osora Transition Town eredua zabaldu duen hartan. 2013an Iparraldeko Bizi! Mugimenduak Baionan antolaturik, klimaren krisia gainditzeko borroken ikurretako bat bihurtu da Alternatiba Europan.

Azken prestaketetan ari dira, dagoenekoz dozena erdi bat bilkura zabal antolatuta Frantziako Estatuko 50 hiritatik iritsitako ordezkariekin. Ekainaren 5, 6 eta 7an Euskal Herriko lurretan ibiliko dira itzuliko txirrindulariak, ardatz dauzkatela Baionan eta Donostian egingo diren Alternatiba herrixkak. Eta hortik irailaren 26an Parisko helmugara iritsi artean, jira eta bira 5.000 kilometrotan zehar, herritarrak berotzen udazkenean hiriburu hartan klimaren krisiaren inguruan burutu beharreko COP21 gailurrean munduko agintariei presio egin diezaieten.

Lehendik lanean ari ziren talde ekologisten aldamenean estilo ezberdina eta lanerako indar berria ekarri ditu Bizi! gazteak, Manu Robles Arangiz Fundazioaren babesarekin. Baionan duen talde nagusiaren aldamenean lekuko txikiagoak sortu ditu, tartean Larrun, Barnealde eta Zuberoakoa. Azken udal hauteskundeetan eztabaidatzeko “Lan Tresna Kutxa” interesgarria zabaldu ostean, hautetsien hiru laurdenek trantsiziorako oinarrizko neurriak onartzea lortu zuen.

Frantziako Estatu mailan, Baionako Alternatiben Herrixkak adina oihartzun emango zion Hexagono osoko kamioilariak eco-taxe edo kutsaduragatiko zerga pagatzearen kontrako matxinadan ari zirenean Bizi!-k horrelako zerga baten beharra defenditu eta kamioi bidezko garraioaren salaketa ausarta egin izanak.

2014an, Lapurdiko Zokoan egindakoaren parean, Alternatiba izenez (euskarazko “b” hizki eta guzti) 35 gehiago antolatu ziren Frantziako Estatu osoan barrena, urrutienekoa antipodetako Tahitin. Orain izen bera eramango du Parisko klimaren gailurrean bildu agintariei ausardia eta irmotasuna eskatuko dien Europako mobilizazio handietako batek. Trantsizio klimatikoaren aurtengo irudi nabarmenetakoak izango dira hiru eta lau txirrindulariz osatutako tamden erraldoiak.

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