In the sidewalks of the change of PAMPLONA there is nothing else: in the plaza, in the school portal, in the consumption group, in the Casco Viejo… the new institutional majority of Navarra is showing signs of joy. Uxue Barkos will be the new President of the Government of Navarra, Joseba Asirón the Mayor of Pamplona and most of the major municipalities of Navarre have remained in the hands of change. A year ago, even in the most optimistic, there were no citizens who could imagine such a promising scenario.
“By chance,” it is said referring to the 250 votes that have been missing from Citizens to get the parliamentarian. And there is no reason, but it would be just as "by chance" for the regime's supporters to get 300 more votes and 50 more votes. What's happening is that they were parra that the block and the ball had gone aside.
But besides luck, there are many keys that better explain success. Perhaps the most important of these is the popular candidatures of Podemos and municipalities, which have brought decisive forces to the bloc of change. Others are the distribution of the right, the joint sale of the idea of change in the campaign, the support of Geroa Bai to Barkos in much of the campaign, the improvement of Geroa Bai and the maintenance of EH Bildu in his, the non-absorption of Podemos Izquierdo (EB-Batzarre)…
With all this above the table it can be seen that there are very few “chiripas” here; moreover, the social change that is taking place in Navarre is the one that is at the basis of the new situation, which has been gradually reflected in the last elections.
And now what? The people have gone from joy to prudence. He is aware of the difficult challenge being posed, the lack of culture in the management of plurality, that the media circus of NaBai's discrepancies is still in sight... Then comes the terror of defeat: “What if you don’t get it?”
That's why the responsibility of Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Podemos and Left-Ezkerra is enormous. The responsibility of the social movements and the citizens who are betting on change is enormous. The duration of the experiment will require broad and open communication channels between institutions, parties and social movements to adequately shield and channel the consensus, discrepancies and conflicts that will occur.
Today more than ever, in politics there is not only what, but how. That is why the new situation that is to be created cannot be the usual one, that is, that the government does so and that the citizens or social movements applaud or condemn. It is not now a question of discovering a revolutionary and absolutely innovative governance experiment, but I have the impression that the citizens and parties are more concerned about the programme than about how to maintain it for four years. And if in Navarre the government will be perpetuated and the culture of change will be consolidated, a dose of innovation will be needed in communication and action among all the agents of change.
The round of meetings of UXUE BARKOS is over and, after what has been heard, it is now up to him to tell him how the government will be set up. It is entirely logical to think that the SNP must be outside the government. It is very clear that he has been key to the survival of the UPN era and, in addition, being in the new government would be to give the key to condition it inappropriately. It is not the place that now belongs to the PSN.
It is true, however, that it would be good to integrate to a greater or lesser extent the social base of the SNP in the change, and that can only be done through the SNP. Therein lies the challenge: to integrate the social vision of its base, to reject centralism and the empowerment of the PSN apparatus. Even if no government department is kept, the contents, projects and people around them can be part of the change. If you get that right, much will be done to better represent Navarre society and to look at the change that can take place in Spain in the next general elections, especially in the peace process.
Although all of this is very important, the fundamental thing is for the forces of the 26 seats of change to be understood, and for the government to be technically formed in one way or another. They are the drivers of change, especially Geroa Bai, EH Bildu and Podemos, and if they don't succeed among the three big families, change is going to fail. So clean, so raw...
11 doctors in health care earn 230,000 euros each year, one of the practices 18,000 euros
This Thursday, EH Bila asked the Government of Navarre to investigate and correct this situation in the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarre. The UPN and the PP have joined the... [+]
Ilbeltzeko igande goiz batez jo dugu Baztanera. Eguzkiak oraindik ez du Lekarozko plaza argitu; bertan elkartu gara Garbiñe Elizegi Narbarte, Itziar Torres Letona eta Ernesto Prat Urzainkirekin. Itzaletan hotz egiten du eta umorez goxatu dugu lehen agurra, hogei urtean... [+]