There has been such a long-awaited change in Navarre that it is now about to see how it will be guided and what it will change in the day to day. Theoretically, it will be small things in the first step, symbolic, but of great importance to reflect the plurality of the Navarra citizenship. The new situation will provide a more direct picture of the real Navarra.
UPN has received a great setback, but it still has a very faithful soil. The varapalo is basically due to the loss of the Government of Navarra and the City of Pamplona. But in addition, in the most important municipalities of Navarre there will also be a change and some of them will be lost. Tudela, Tafalla, Estella, Barañain, Burlada, Ansoáin and Zizur Mayor will be some of the peoples who will know the change.
In case of winning in Navarre, the change is the same, that the PSN cannot support another UPN government. In the winners’ bloc, the fight between Geroa Bai and EH Bildu voted in favour of the Uxue Barkos coalition, with 9 vs 8 Members and 5,000 more votes. We can have a strong break in the Basque Parliament, perhaps not as strong as they expected, but in any case with great success. The fact that this is achieved in a first blow is unprecedented in Navarre politics in the last 30 years. It will cost them more to maintain internal cohesion. The left is the smallest of the block and, despite coming down with Podemos on stage, has kept the situation with dignity.
In the losers’ bloc, no one has held him well, everyone has lost a great deal, both in power and in votes. The PSN has been the most punished party, with two seats and lost keys, and with the worst results of its history in the foral elections; and yet, María Chivite has said that they have achieved dignified results. The fact that she worked as an UPN schoolgirl gave her fewer opportunities. Does the downward trend have its limit? If it remains as it has been so far, yes, but it will comply with the proceedings of the next legislature. The pp has received a tremendous blow, dropping in the middle of Parliament and disappearing from the City Council of Pamplona/Iruña. And Citizens, although it has been very close to entering Parliament, it has been very far from the expectations that were expected.
That is the only thing that is known about change, that Uxue Barkos will be the next President of the Government of Navarre, the first nationalist and Basque President to govern in Navarre. Only that gives the measure of change. Between Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Podemos and Left-Ezkerra add 26 seats, an absolute majority, and it seems that the government is going to be formed around that bloc, although it is not clear how.
But there's another option, Geroa Bai, a government based on Podemos, PSN and Left-Ezkerra. There would be no absolute majority – 25 seats – but there would be the possibility of a stable government, because those who are left out can hardly agree on many things. GEROA Bai may have such a temptation, because it would still give her more centrality and could better represent Navarra. Barkos has managed during the campaign to dispel the fears of many, and that may be another key to government formation. But all of this has to be said about government programs and, in that sense, we can have more similarities with EH Bildu than with PSN and Geroa Bai.
Whatever the government is, it will be mismanaged and not only because of its plurality, but also because of the tight budget of any government. In addition, and contrary to what has been done so far, Madrid has not put any point of work on it, and it has moved on. That is the EUR 1.5 billion of Volkswagen’s VAT.
But these are for tomorrow, the Navarre that has been marginalised years ago is still celebrated.
Nafarroako Parlamentuko zarata politikotik at, Uxue Barkos lehendakariak gizartea lasai dakusa. “Kalera ateratzen bazara, jendea lasai ikusten duzu, lasaitasunez hartzen dute azken lau urteotan gizartean gertatu den aldaketa sakona”, adierazi du Barkosek,... [+]
Nafarroako Foru hauteskundeak maiatzean izanen dira. EiTB Focusek egindako inkesta baikorra da oro har, gaur egun, Nafarroako Gobernuan ari den koalizioarentzat. Iruñeko Udalean ordea, egungo gobernuaren jarraipena kolokan liteke.
Nafarroako Ahal Duguko bozeramaile ohiak bere kontra abiatutako prozesua salatu, eta aldaketa arriskuan ez dagoela azpimarratu du.
Eremu mistoko hainbat herritan egingo dute kanpaina. Herritarrak instituzioei zonifikazioarekin amaitzeko eskabidea egitera bultzatu nahi dituzte.
Nafarroako Parlamentuko Bozeramaileen Batzordeak ferietako liskarragatik auzipetutako gazteen kontra fiskaltzak egindako zigor eskaeren aurka egin du.
Nafar Gobernuak energia plan berria aurkeztu du “2030 Ikusmuga Plan Energetikoa” zirriborroan. Energia berriztagarrien erabilpena %21etik %51ra handitzeko asmoa duen arren, planak Castejóngo zentral termikoak ixteari buruz ez duela ezer esaten salatu du... [+]
Hainbat sindikaturekin batera egindako agerraldian Nafarroako Gobernuari galdegin diote Madrilekin mantentzen ari den negoziazio eteteko eta "tren soziala zehazteko", herritarrei "parte hartzeko aukera" emanda.
Foruzaingoaren jarduna eraberritu eta gomazko pilotak ez erabiltzeko erabakia bururaino eraman dute, Ertzaintzak eskainitako bi prestakuntza ikastaro jasoz eta material berria eskuratuz.
UPN, PPN eta Ciudadanosekin batera parte hartuko du PSNk ekainaren 3ko manifestazioan. Nafarroako bandera defendatzeko aitzakiarekin egin dute bat deialdiarekin. Alderdiaren militante batzuek desadostasuna adierazi dute.
Nafarroako eta Espainiako Gobernuek AHTaren inguruan “ez-betetze klausulak” sinatzea proposatu du Iñigo De la Serna Barne Ministroak. Manu Aierdik ontzat hartu du proposamena: "Izugarri ona iruditzen zait ardura duena behartzea sinatutakoa... [+]
Mugikortasun planak sortu ditu desadostasunak. Ostegun goizean Podemosek, Aranzadik eta Izquierda-Ezkerrak agerraldia eginen dute. Joseba Asiron alkateak desadostasunak onartu ditu baina harrituta azaldu da udal gobernuaren krisia dagoela entzutean.
"Zigortzailea eta murriztailea" den legea bertan behera utziko dute Gobernua babesten duten lau alderdiek. 2003. urtetik dago abian Ikurren Legea, baina orain, Udalen autonomiaz baliatuta, udalerri bakoitzak erabakiko du zein ikur jarri erakunde ofizialetan.
Nafarroan 2003tik indarrean dagoen Ikurren Legea baliogabetu egingo du foru gobernuak, hura sostengatzen duten lau indarrek (Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Podemos eta Izquierda-Ezkerra) hala adostu eta gero. Zigorrik eragingo ez duen lege berria sortzeko prozesu parte hartzailea iragarri... [+]
Vascuencearen Legearen 30. urteurrenean Kontseiluko idazkari nagusiak esan du "ospatzeko deus ez dagoela, gehiago dagoela lege horrek utzitako ondorio latzen inguruan ohartarazteko”.