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Sabin Etxean ospatu zuten jeltzaleek EAJren garaipena, EBBko Andoni Ortuzar buruan buru.
Sabin Etxean ospatu zuten jeltzaleek EAJren garaipena, EBBko Andoni Ortuzar buruan buru.Marisol Ramirez - Argazki Press
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The governors of the General Boards of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa will almost certainly be in the hands of the PNV. The Jeltzales remain firm in Bizkaia, enter Álava forcefully and win the battle in Gipuzkoa with EH Bildu. The PNV has prevailed in the conflict of hegemony between EH Bildu and the PNV in the Basque Parliament. The number of CAPV junters and junctions is as follows: The PNV has 54, EH Bildu 39, PSE 21, Podemos/Podemos 20. Pp 17, Irabazi and Citizens (C´s) one. The last two have only been represented in Álava. If we take into account the delegations of the past, the defeated are the PSE and the pp, the pp, the only. The other winner with the PNV is Podemos, which has strongly broken into the three governments of the historic territories.

In Álava, the pp has been the most voted

Pp has been the most voted party in Álava, but the PNV has been made with a seat more than pp: The number of Jeltzales junteros will be 13 compared to the 12 popular ones. A significant fact: Pp has won 35,484 votes in the municipal elections in Vitoria-Gasteiz, while the General Boards have received 34,406 votes. The Maroto effect has not had the same effect on the election of representatives of foreign governments. Everything seems to indicate that the term of office of the MP, Javier De Andrés, has now ended. EH Bildu has renewed its votes and the number of junters, but has not achieved the expected increase. Obviously, the appearance of Podemos has reduced its feasible development. The results of Podemos Euskadi confirm the strength of this new force.

With the jeltzale Ramiro González comes to Álava a new stage. However, the PNV will have to come to an agreement, the political game is very open. EH Bildu (11 seats), Podemos (8) and Irabazi (1) add 20. PNV, PSE and C's, for their part, have subscribed to a total of 19 amendments. There is one noteworthy fact: Unlike Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, the Irabazi and C’s forces have managed to enter the General Boards. On the other hand, the political scene has been opened in the struggle between the left and the right. The attitudes of the PSE and pp could provide new signals to the Basque policy, which could explain the path of the pact with Madrid by the PNV.

The PNV, even more prevalent in Bizkaia

Bizkaia is the territory of the Jeltzales. Over the last decade Bizkaia has maintained the political hegemony of the CAV and once again the electorate has ratified its hegemony and centrality in politics. Unai Rementeria will be the new Deputy General. However, there is one significant data: In Bizkaia, abstention has increased by 1.5 points compared to the elections four years ago. Contrary to the three other territories in the South, the participation of citizens has decreased over the previous quarter. The PNV has obtained 23 junters. He has won one, but he has lost almost 4,000 votes. EH Bildu has lost a seat and about 15,000 votes. As has happened in Álava, the road to development has been cut for a moment. The votes received by Podemos have undoubtedly influenced the evolution of the sovereign coalition in the Basque Country. The new force presided over by Iñaki Uriarte has received almost 82,000 votes for the first time and will have 6 junters to influence political and social life. The PSE has been beaten, has lost two junters and lost almost 30,000 votes in its homeland. The outbreak of Podemos has, as you can see, had a great impact. Pp's has been a resounding failure. It's the most losing party: It has gone from 8 junters to 4 junters, losing the support of over 35,000 citizens. Of course, the PNV has the guarantee bar, but instead of the inter-territorial pacts, including the agreements of the municipalities, there is a spectacle, and also very interesting, of how it will exercise its hegemony in the policies with the PP and the PSE. EH Bildu and the PSE will not be in the main decisions of the Bizkaia policies, but they must continue to claim the leftist policies. From the point of view of leftist politics, EH Bildu, PSE and Podemos have 24 junters, one more than the PNV, to carry out their leftist policies. Whether or not it is a match between the PNV and pp will be very significant, and also significant, to see how the PSE, which is considered a leftist party, will conduct its policy for the future. The future of both PSE and PP is not easy to see.

Jeltzales Take Hegemony to EH Bildu in Gipuzkoa

The PNV has been the most prominent in Gipuzkoa. It will have 18 junters and junthers, four more than four years ago. He won 32,000 votes. Markel Olano has regained his post. EH Bildu has been defeated in the struggle for hegemony with the PNV. It has 5 junters and 15,000 votes less than the current Lower House party. The PSE maintains its representation. As for the loss of votes he has suffered in the other Basque territories, it can be said that he has lost only one ballot, as in Gipuzkoa he has obtained almost the same number of votes. The support received in several municipalities has been ratified by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa to be optimistic in this territory. Apparently, the result of Podemos has had a higher incidence in the PSE than in the EH Bildu. The pp has been the great loser of Gipuzkoa, with four junters, and has stayed with one. It has lost almost 25,000 votes. As the party running the State Government, the PP has become marginal. From the point of view of left-wing politics, in this territory politics is even more interesting than in any other. EH Bildu and Podemos have 23 junters against 18 of the PNV. The PNV and the PSE have 27 junters and with the agreement between them the General Boards will be formed without any problem, as well as the governability of the Provincial Council. However, the consequences of bringing the PSE’s wager, that is, the policy of the Socialist Party, which is supposed to be in the leftist space, from the PNV’s hand, will be more effective than ever in the evolution of the Socialist Party. Not in vain, a new force has come, and it has come to stay.

Abstention was high

Abstention at the CAV General Meetings was around 35 per cent of the votes. Unlike Navarre, where 72% of the voters in the Foral Parliament voted, the most significant figure has been the number of voters who have remained unvoted. More than a possible eviction of votes from one party to another, the abstention of several voters should be taken into account. Also, among the topics for reflection provided by the results of the three historical territories of the CAPV are the following: The battle between the PNV and EH Bildu has been won by the Jeltzales. These results oblige the PNV to take a further step in general policy towards Madrid during the forthcoming elections to the Basque Parliament, including those of the Spanish Congress in the autumn. EH Bildu, for its part, should clarify the background of the self-criticism he has made in the Basque Country. The PP and the PSOE live in Euskal Herria the narrowest moment of their history and Podemos/Podemos has achieved the key to political change.

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