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Complexity of diversity

  • The map of the electoral results of the municipalities shows a greater diversity than four years ago in the four territories of Hego Euskal Herria. The color change has affected mainly Gipuzkoa and Navarra, but what have been the keys to this?
EH Bilduk udal boterea oso nabarmen murriztu du Gipuzkoan, baita neurri txikiagoan Bizkaian eta Araban ere. Aldiz, Nafarroan hainbat udalerri garrantzitsuren gobernua lortzeko bidean da.
Argazki Press
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The power of the PNV has increased markedly in this year’s municipal and foreign elections. It is enough to put together the maps of four years ago and those of now to realize that. Probably the most significant change in municipalities is seen in Gipuzkoa. In 2011, Bildu made a big leap in this territory, becoming almost a monochrome in his favor. The many municipalities that the coalition achieved by an absolute majority and the fact that the Council was also in its hands revolutionized the Gipuzkoan policy in some respects. But now in many villages – and in the Council – the government will change color, and EH Bildu will no longer be able to govern with that transformation.

The PNV has recovered in Gipuzkoa some of the villages it has had in the past (Tolosa, Azkoitia, Ordizia…) and has won in others where the Abertzale left feels strong, being the most significant case Arrasate (25,000 inhabitants). In Bizkaia they have also fled to EH Bildu Gernika, Lekeitio, Sopela… On the contrary, the PNV remains hegemonic in most of this territory. Something similar has happened in Álava, but to a lesser extent: The PNV recovers Salvatierra and Aiara, while EH Bildu, for example, remains the first force in Laudio.

Management subjects

The conflict between the PNV and EH Bildu in recent years has been a significant leap for the Jeltzales as a whole. Still, the coalition has won over 300,000 votes and has become the most voted force in Gipuzkoa and Navarre. But that's not a comfort. Sortu President Hasier Arraiz spoke on the election night with a high level of criticism: He acknowledged that "many things have been done wrong" and that emphasis has been placed on the management of the company.

When talking about management, it seems that Arraiz has focused on waste. Many think that the scandal that has occurred in several localities around Puerta a Puerta has harmed EH Bildu. Plastic bags on the balconies, mass collection of signatures… In Legazpi, for example, a great campaign was made by some media against this system, and the same in Pasaia, Bergara... On the other hand, in villages that have had living and autonomous movements from the outset in favour of the rational management of waste (Usurbil, Hernani, Oñati…) EH Bildu has resisted. It can be a subject.

Allegations of fraud have no bill

However, in the light of the election results, it seems that not all the alleged misrepresentations have been punished equally, not even those that have ended up in the courts. In the case of Bidegi, several members of the PNV are involved in the evidence of fraud detected in the works of the AP-1. In recent weeks the Council of Gipuzkoa directly indicated two Jeltzales candidates: Eneko Goia from Donostia and Felix Urkola from Lazkao. However, both have achieved good results and will be in power.

Unlike the PP, which has disappeared in many municipalities, allegations of corruption have not been taken into account by the PNV. Although his colleagues are involved in cases such as Epsilon or Hiriko’s, the number of votes in 2011 has been easily matched in Álava and has added more councillors.

The PSE-EE is still downhill

The results obtained in the municipalities of Gipuzkoa have somehow disguised the umpteenth failure of the Socialists. Over 6,000 votes have been cast in this territory and they have managed to have sufficient force to govern Lasarte-Oria, and win in Pasaia, where the PSE-EE has doubled the result. The case of some municipalities in Oarsoaldea can be analysed in more detail: in the last elections the turnout was very low in this region, but this time it has risen much more than the average and there have been great changes in the political map.

But Idoia Mendia's party is not rocking. In Bizkaia and Álava, tens of thousands of fewer votes were recorded than in 2013. The party that once won completely in the Left Margin barely maintains control of Portugalete today, since in the fifth large city of Hego Euskal Herria, in Barakaldo, it has been technically tied with the PNV.

In 2011, Sestao’s loss was painful for the socialists. Four years later, the PNV has increased the difference, or rather, the mayor of the PNV, Josu Bergara. In Vitoria-Gasteiz, as in recent times Maroto (see table), Sestao Bergara has on several occasions launched racist messages. We have heard him say, for example, when we talk about immigrants and gypsies, that “that shit” is not going to enter the village. However, when he has been sued for this reason, the National High Court has held a applause abroad. Result: It has gone from 8 to 13 councillors.

Changes in Navarre also in municipalities

In Navarre, change will not only be reflected in Parliament. In many municipalities there have been opportunities to overthrow UPN (Estella, Tafalla...) and that will help the daily management of the possible government of Uxue Barkos. Meanwhile, EH Bildu has obtained an absolute majority in 25 municipalities, while Geroa Bai has achieved it in three other municipalities.

In any case, both in Navarre and in the other territories, the strength of the ballot box must now be measured, not only to form municipalities, but also to ensure the control and operation of a large number of communities, public societies and consortia that are basic in the management of services (water, waste, transport, slaughterhouses, Euskaltegis, industrial polygons...). And there can be key, with or without the support of Podemos, the platforms that have achieved councillors in eleven municipalities.


Aldaketa Iruñean eta Donostian, Bilbok eta Gasteizek lehengo lepotik burua

Nafarroako hiriburuan UPNk zinegotzi kopurua bikoiztu egiten dio bigarren indarrari, baina aldaketarako akordioa ondo bidean, Enrique Maya ez da gauza izango alkatetzari eusteko. EH Bilduk, Geroa Baik, Aranzadik eta Ezkerrak lortutako zinegotzi kopurua batzea nahikoa izango da eta baliteke historian lehen aldiz Iruñeak alkate euskalduna izatea. Horretarako, jakina, adostasuna lortu beharko dute, baina hautesleek eta iruindarren gehiengoak mandatu hori eman diete etengabe aldaketaz hitz egin duten indar politikoei. Nolanahi ere, UPNren danbatekoa espero zitekeena baino txikiagoa izan da. Ikusi da nabarristek zorua ondo finkaturik dutela, zaila baita honakoa baino desprestigio egoera handiagoan egotea.

Donostian EH Bilduk 4.000 botoko galera izan du eta hirugarren indar izatera igaro da. Hala, Juan Karlos Izagirre alkateak agur esan beharko dio bere agintaldiari. 2011n ezustean irabazi zuen Bilduk Donostian eta lau urteotan gobernuan erabateko gutxiengoan egon da; halako baldintzetan, oposizioak eta botere mediatikoak ez dizkiote gauzak batere erraz jarri. Oraingoan EAJk eman du ezustea, bozka kopurua bikoiztu egin du Eneko Goiak (+15.000) eta duela hiru hamarkada Ramon Labaien euskaltzalea agintean izan zenetik ez dute hain eskura eduki alkatetza. Jeltzaleak ez dira boto kopurua bikoiztu duten bakarrak izan ordea, Plaz! kandidaturak ere bere txikitasunean gorakada itzela izan du (+440), eta batez ere, lortu du borroka feminista hauteskundeetan zerbait gehiago ikusaraztea.

Bilbon EAJko Juan Mari Aburto alkategaiak ez du  duela lau urte Iñaki Azkuna politikari kontserbadorearen gehiengo osorik lortu; hala ere, nahikoa tarte badauka lasaitasunez gobernatzeko 13 zinegotzirekin. Emaitzak jakin bezain pronto akordioetara iristeko prest azaldu zen jeltzalea. Udalberri eta Ganemos bina zinegotzirekin sartuko dira Udalean; banaketa horrek Podemos efektua leundu egin du hein batean. PPren beherakada orokorrak Bilbon ere izan du isla, ia erdira jaitsi du boto kopurua eta laugarren indar izatera igaro da.

Hego Euskal Herriko hiriburu guztietan galdu ditu zinegotziak PPk, salbu eta Gasteizen. Seguruenik Arabako hiriburuko gozokia izango da popularren kontsolamendu bakarra hauteskundeotan. Javier Maroto alkateak azkeneko hilabeteetan astindu du immigrazioaren mamua eta ondo atera zaio jokaldia, duela lau urte baino boto gehiago lortu baititu (+3.000) eta zinegotzi kopuru bera. Irabazi ondoren, inplizituki diskurtso xenofobo bera daraman mezua zabaldu du Marotok: “Lan egingo dut Gasteiz eta gasteiztarren alde”. Bestalde, EH Bilduk ere gora egin du EAEko hiriburu administratiboan (+1.000), agian esperotakoa baino gutxiago –hauteskunde europarretan lehenengo indar bihurtzeko zorian egon zen–, baina oposizioko buru izateko adina zinegotzi bildu ditu Miren Larrionen taldeak.

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