Anari's followers were going to have a long wait, but they kept publishing new issues from the Island of 2009. During these years he has published the live album Bidea and denbora and has participated in three reference tribute albums. The Txinaurria dedicated to the late Mikel Laboa signed the Heart of Antiquity wrapped in a double-vinyl electric cloud; it offered Imanol Urbieta the version of a solo and free Guitar, surrounded by the voice of children; and the penultimate piece of Lou Reed, mila esker, published last year also has its brand.
During the years in which she has worked mainly on the repertoire of the island, Anari himself recognizes from the other side of the telephone that a new audience has approached her. Before filing your criminal records: As the records ordered through the pre-sale reach the homes, social media commentary starts to appear.
We have begun to ask about the title of the album we presented last Thursday, asking why it has chosen a more concrete title than in previous works. “If you intend. It's not an easy title, it already has a bit of play, a song from the album explains. I wanted to work another writing to sing with other words about the same things. I haven’t started making social songs all of a sudden, but I have received a few words from that field.” Somehow, he explained that he wanted to take the first half of the newspaper and take it to the second half.
With this idea, the book of poems Kapital publikoa by Jose Luis Otamendi was published, and Anari has perceived some affinity in his intention. “I am not going to compare myself to Otor, of course,” he said, while stressing respect for the writer of Azpeitia, “but I thought we had left the same path.” He says that the words of the new album have a lot of polysemy, that press writing has used the literary figures that it unexpectedly offers.
After a long recording process, Your Criminal Record has been published: the previous records were recorded in 15-20 days, while on this occasion the azkoitiarra believes that they have elongated “too many”, that the longer they spend in the study the more they go to things. If this elongation has a reverse, it has taken longer to review it. “In the end it’s a record what you want to do, what you don’t get… everything. That was how it should be.”
In addition to the usual group of Anari – Borja Iglesias, Mikel Abrego, Xabier Olazabal Drake and Mariano Hurtado – the album has several collaborators: Eneko Burzako Moby Dick, Javi Manterola de Lisabö and Karlos Osinaga Amorebieta, sound technician; Napoka Iriako Ander Mujika and Insunza de Audience, among others. Good team this year for the novelty that most music lovers had listed.
Aurkezpen kontzertuak:
Maiatzak 21, Bilbo (Kafe Antzokia)
Maiatzak 23, Donostia (Intxaurrondo KE)
Maiatzak 28, Gasteiz (Jimmy Jazz)
Maiatzak 20, Azkoitia (Matadeixe)
Ekainak 4, Iruñea (Zentral)
Ekainak 5, Baiona (Atalante)
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