Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Orchard and sexual education on the road to coexistence

  • Straw. Area of work: Navarra. Means of life: Culture. Creation: The starting point of the idea as a cooperative in 2011. Vocals: Oihana Beloki, Saioa Martínez and Nerea Esparza. Activities: Sex education and agro-ecological agriculture. Objective: Creation of a Coexistence Laboratory.
Auto-estimua, bikote harremanetako rolak, parte-hartzea eta abar lantzeko Elkarbizitza Laborategia sortu nahi du Lastotan kooperatibak. Bitartean, sexu heziketa ikastaroak ematen ditu, eta barazki ekologikoak ekoitzi.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Oihana Beloki, Saioa Martínez and Nerea Esparza have a challenge and a very nice project. However, when they have to make a feasibility plan, they do not hide in the shadow of the office. With their relatives they will spend the weekend at the edge of one of them and they shape it close to nature and quieter. What we want to set up is not just any company, but a Coexistence Laboratory that will manage the Lastotan cooperative.

It's been four years since they started dreaming about the project. Aware of the importance of living together and how little work is done in our society, they decided to set in motion a space to work self-esteem, the roles of partner relationships, participation, etc. “We want to create an observatory, a plaza and a coexistence laboratory that has the time and space it needs.”

They have not yet achieved that space, but they have not done so to stand still. A year ago a non-profit cooperative was created, and they say that this condition supports them: “We own ourselves, we organize the work and we ourselves manage our dream.”

In its effort to achieve a Coexistence Laboratory, the cooperative has two areas of work: sex education and the production of organic vegetables. The workshops and courses in sexual education are taught in different schools and youth centers, offering the centrality it deserves. On the other hand, the products of the agroecological garden that they have in Badostáin sell them to a few families and associations.

Accomplices of lack of institutional support

There is another cooperative that also buys vegetables from Lastotana and takes advantage of its sex education services: Catakrak from Pamplona. “The accomplices are essential to advance in this type of projects, and in this sense, Katakrak is being a travel partner.”

This collaboration compensates, in some way, one of the main obstacles that Lastotan members have encountered in the way of realizing their dreams: the lack of support and help from public institutions. “We are young, poor and women, and we also want to work together, not a physical product. It seems that this does not fit the logic of the institutions, and they do not give us any support.”

The four-year journey has not been easy, but the space is expected to recover soon. Then they shape it through auzolan. Looking to the future, therefore, you are hopeful: “We’re sure we’re going to have to work a lot, but it’s going to be based on decent, flexible conditions and relationships, enjoying the way.”

“There is a tendency to demand an immediate fruit of the effort, but you have to believe in what is done, and gradually go to what you want to approach, without dazzling.” Being patient and believing in the project is what is recommended to anyone who wants to launch a similar initiative.

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