The record for electronic waste set in 2014 was exceeded: From 39.8 million tonnes to 41.8 million tonnes. The analysis of the United Nations University (UNU) has revealed the research data.
Kitchen and bathroom appliances accounted for 60% of the waste, while the percentage of telephones and laptops was 7%. Researchers estimate that in 2018 the figure of 50 million tonnes will be exceeded. The northern and central states of Europe and the United States are the countries that generate the most waste per person. As regards absolute quantities, it should be noted that three-quarters of total waste is generated in the USA, China, Japan, Germany and India.
It is estimated that the value of iron, copper and gold contained in this waste can reach EUR 48 billion if recycled. On the other hand, the number of toxic elements such as mercury, cadmium or chromium exceeds two million tonnes.