It is known that dietary fiber does not provide us with vitamins or minerals, but it is essential in our nutrition, as it helps to prevent tumors, to take care of the weight and to avoid constipation.
Dietary fiber is not digested or absorbed in our body, but it is essential for good health, as we have known since the 1960s. At that time it was observed that in the Third World some of the most common diseases were not observed in developed societies, since the diet of these countries has a high amount of fiber, while in rich western countries too many complex sugars and carbohydrates are consumed.
The origin of the fiber is always plant, depending on whether its pectins or mucilages are soluble in water or not, the characteristics of the fiber will be:
- Insoluble fiber. It facilitates intestinal filtration by “catching” water during digestion and transforming the bolus of food into a kind of gelatin. This type of fibre in whole grains (oats, barley, etc.) It's also found in fruits and vegetables. This type of fiber is the most useful to prevent constipation.
- Soluble fiber. It regulates bowel movements and reduces the risk of various diseases. In addition, when it reaches the stomach, it swells, which increases the feeling of satiety. Wheat bran, legumes, fruits, especially citrus fruits, nuts and vegetables are the main sources of soluble fiber. Naturally discard and expel mucus stacked inside the body.
According to a study conducted in the United States, foods rich in fiber "collide" with cells on the journey through the digestive system and release a lubricating substance that keeps its structure in good condition. Thanks to this mechanism, fiber benefits our body:
- Lowers cholesterol. Fiber binds to the acids and cholesterol in the stomach, so that the intestine absorbs less fat.
- Blood sugar is better controlled because carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly. For this reason, it is recommended that there is a lot of fiber to measure the intake of diabetics.
- It prevents some tumors, such as large intestine polyps that are considered precursors of cancer. The chances of cancer of the large intestine and rectum decrease greatly as the fiber increases in the size of the food.
- Reduces the risk of hypertension. Therefore, the usual intake of vegetables is recommended, as they provide three essential nutrients to control the tension (fiber, magnesium and potassium).