Antton Uhalde is a young farmer who works like every day with his sheep and cows in the prairies of Makea. The first ones are for milk and the second ones are for meat. By the age of twenty-five, for four years he had held on to the life he had known at home, since his father, who had retired, had taken care of the livestock. With Elgar he is admitted to the NMEK, as he was taught at home, and as 150 farmers in the area have also chosen. What exactly is a NMEK or CUMA?
Farmers and farmers collectively share the necessary equipment for work. In this way, it is economically easier for farmers to buy tools, as it not only has to cope with spending. Cooperatives are distributed over areas and have adequate equipment to meet the needs. For every instrument purchased or to be used during the year in the NMEK with Elgar, not all members have to contribute a lot of money; each farmer decides what material he needs and arranges the payment based on his use. They have an annual fee for each selected machine and then the worker pays according to the hours of use.
From an economic point of view it is clear that the farmer will find it cheaper to buy material in the collective, but he also has his social part. Farmers come together, work together and are building strong networks. Beyond private property, they've formed a group and they work as a group.
NMEKs are not within any other organization and are born independently. However, they are related to other NMEKs and are also treated between two or three for the purchase of certain materials. Elgarrekin NMEK has about 150 members and two full-time workers for the cooperative. These are the ones that organize the hours of the machines, the hours of use, the selection processes of the new instruments that are required, the maintenance of the material, etc. They all need at the same time.
Decisions are made between all members of the WCC and buying processes need their time to reach an agreement. Although the debate may last a long time, each farmer has the last word and it is decided by vote what material to buy. Between three and four options, each one votes openly to whoever wants and the one who gets the most will be the one chosen.
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Interior of Ipar Euskal Herria Low. The Basque Youth Group, which has been working since 1966 and which in 2009 needs a new field of influence, chooses to create the Local Youth Savings Group (GALT) which is already underway in Zuberoa. We are living in quite absurd years, not... [+]
We have long heard and reproduced our views against the big financial institutions. Whether they are mortgage scams, preferred, corruption cases… However, most citizens hide our salaries and savings in it, in many cases without knowing what they are used for. However, there... [+]
When they heard the store name they were going to open in Zarautz to this one that I'm in front of the computer, they laughed a little bit. In our house are called the dwarf lakes and the beautiful asses. And I thought, what a curious name for a healthy food store! I knew nothing... [+]
Bilbi plaza. Four and a half. Davide Angelilli, 24, accepts the invitation of coffee after eating. The young Italian spent the first year in the heart of San Francisco. He came from Rome to Bilbao to do the master's degree and joined the solidarity housing program. Housing rental... [+]
Jarduera: Altzarien tapizatzea eta zaharberritzea.
Kokapena: Eibar.
Izaera juridikoa: Kooperatiba.
Noiztik martxan: 2014ko irailetik.
Kide kopurua: 2.
Eibarko San Miguel de Aginaga... [+]
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Oñatiarra da Amaia. Larunbatero gisan Aldapa tabernan geratu da lagunekin, eta etxerakoan, ogia erosi du Errota okindegian. Baina ez du, ohi bezala, eurotan ordaindu, ezta txartelarekin ere. Asteazkenean truke bulegoan lehenengoz hartu zituen kolore biziko billeteak... [+]
A short walk from the smoke whirlwind on Lehendakari Aguirre Avenue, in the Aranbeiti district, Saioa Baciggin is located in one of the small green treasures hidden by big cities. Azurra in the hand stirring the tomatoes, occupies its turn in the communal garden channeled from... [+]
Urtzi Ugalde is responsible for marketing a beer brand. It's not just another piece of the gigantic multinational, it's a partner of the cooperative they've created with six other people. Its product is being produced on the basis of horizontality and food sovereignty: Boga... [+]
We have reached Landare society and we have found David Garnatxo, who has been with a friend who is about to enter society. As regards local products and responsible consumption, Garnatxo explained to him that he will pay EUR 42 for entry, and that the 12 month quota is EUR 36... [+]
Genero ikuspegia kontuan hartuta lan egiten duten enpresa eta erakundeak, apurka, baina gero eta gehiago dira. Nerea Uria hernaniarrak eta Ilazki Gainza donostiarrak osatzen duten Kalaka komunikazio agentziarentzat ordea balio bat baino gehiago da. “Betaurreko... [+]