Following the statements of the mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Javier Maroto, about the people receiving social benefits, Gora Gasteiz emerged in defense of equal rights and opportunities and during these four months its officials have pointed out that they have fulfilled their objective well, since many groups and people have joined the demand and are designing an open and plural city, based on coexistence.
“We can respond to hatred with hatred. But we decided that this society is not worth it. Conflict, tension, the dynamics of attack and defence are not worth it. And you and the black have faced us through colors, solidarity with conflict, uniformization, demand for more rights to cut rights, music to insult,” several members explained.
The feast of 18 April has put an end to the day: in defence of diversity and social rights, thousands of people joined the party. The corner of social movements, children’s games, music, dance… and the kalejiras of noon were “Gora Gasteiz! Stop Racism!” had the main motto. Faced with this “absolute irresponsibility” that has occurred in recent months, “every time a neighborhood shame occurs, we will respond with Vitorian pride, together, with strength and color!” the organizers stressed.
There are many citizens who have joined the movement. Among them, many known names: Bernardo Atxaga, Iñaki Iriondo, Irati Anda, Karmele Jaio, Karra Elejalde, Katixa Agirre, Mikel Urdangarin, Oihane Perea, Igor González de Galdeano, Izaskun Moyua, Unax Ugalde, and others.
International Migrants Day is celebrated on 18 December. Last year, an institutional event was held at the Alhóndiga in Bilbao in cooperation with the social partners and I was invited to participate. There I had an unbeatable opportunity to meet new creators and, above all, to... [+]
Dorleta Mikeok esango digu elkarrekin baina nahastu gabe bizi garela, ez dagoela bizikidetzarik bertakoen eta beste jatorri batzuetatik etorritako familien artean. Mikeo eta Lola Boluda Donostiako Egia auzoan, Aitor ikastolako jolastokian, abiaburua izan zuen egitasmoa garatzen... [+]
The current Basque society is culturally very diverse, people from different backgrounds live in the municipalities, and our centers have noticed this cultural diversity, as in recent courses the enrolment of foreign students has increased considerably. According to the latest... [+]
Rosario Palomino Liman (Peru) jaio zen eta 30 urtetik gora daramatza Bartzelonan bizitzen. Katalanez erraz egiten du, eta hala ere, katalan hiztunek gaztelaniaz egiten diote, kanpotar itxura duelako. Badaki errespetuaren izenean egiten diotela gaztelaniaz, baina bera... [+]
But the rain has come at the end: How to hold Euskal Herria so green, if not,” they say. And he really has it. But in our mother's country, the earth acquires a dark tile color when it rains, as if it wasn't very clear what it's made of: tiles by land or tiles. Green meadows are... [+]
Serious situation? To whom is the extremely serious situation addressed? Who cares? If the 2018 studies, studies and surveys show that the Basque lives behind his culture, who cares?
My friend told me what it's hard to get together, at dawn, when we were in Azpeitia Square... [+]