In recent years numerous articles have appeared on the benefits of chocolate. Black chocolate, composed of more than 70% cocoa, contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B3, epicatechin and antioxidants, among other ingredients.
Antioxidants, in addition to acting against inflammation and thrombi, regulate blood pressure and help the heart. However, these benefits will be disclosed in more detail when the most extensive research conducted at a hospital in Boston (US) is carried out. In total, 18,000 volunteers will participate and will continue until 2018.
But is chocolate good for the dogs and cats that we have next to us?
The answer is no. The reason for this lies in the teobromin molecule that contains cocoa, especially in black chocolate. Our liver destroys it quickly, but it's not the same for cats and dogs: their livers can't process teobromin quickly enough, so the molecule builds up. Thus, half a chocolate tablet can cause death to a small dog, and not with all kinds of suffering: vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia and convulsions occur before death.
The nutritional findings allow us to better understand the negative and positive aspects of some foods. But when those discoveries question or even completely overturn the “round truths” that have been the basis of our food over the centuries, anyone comes up with curious... [+]
Elikadura hiztegiak bi osagai ditu, batetik, glosario hutsa eta bestetik hiztegi entziklopedikoa. Biak sarean daude erabiltzeko moduan.
McDonald’s-ekin loturiko informazio bat bolo-bolo zabaldu zen sare sozialetan, duela pare bat hilabete. Konpainiak errezeta aldatu behar izan omen zuen, Jamie Oliver sukaldari britainiarrak frogatu ostean McDonald’seko jatetxeetan saltzen den haragia jangaitza... [+]