Oraintxe du sasoia. Ezkur bat. Eguna luze. Giro polita. Hezetasunak azala beratu dio. Barruko mamia puztu da. Hormonen dantza hasi eta hazia hozitu da. Ernatu da. Sustraiak luzatu. Lurraren epela neurtu. Eta gora jo behar. Zurtoinak gora ekingo dio. Hostoak hedatu eta betirako bizitoki izango duena ezagutu. Haizeak, eguzkiaren bideak, ilargiaren keinuak... Auzoko izango dituenei diosala egitea ez zaio, inola ere, ahaztuko.
Kanarietako palmondoak (Phoenix canariensis) amatza lanetan, hosto tarteko altzoan hartu du haritz kanduduna (Quercus robur). Laster igarri zion ezkurrak, sustraiak lurra ukitu ordurako: ama ona izango du. Ederki etorriko da.
Is it all that has a name, but the other way around? Does it have a name for everything it is? I don't know if we have words in Basque to call that. I mean, how are those trees called that, instead of coming in the fall, drying and releasing the leaves, cling stubbornly to it?... [+]
The chestnut has grown in chestnut trees, Castanea sativa, and it's gone. This is called Dolores Ezkurra Etxekolenea, from Jurdan, to the month of October. Jurdanea is in the Gran Vía de Saldias. On the same street, Eneko is restoring his son's house Tolarea. Eneko has done a... [+]
To prepare for the new year, many Basque readers come home with the ARGIA calendar taco. The calendar has a special place at home. ARGIA has pulled out these two mounts specifically designed for the calendar, to give the place corresponding to the calendar and decorate it. In... [+]