Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Let's change the pressure of language.

  • It is the responsibility of all the citizens and all the institutions to guarantee the right of every citizen to choose Basque. Like Korrika, it is the collective challenge of the Basque Country: Making a tour of 2,300 kilometers for 10 days and 11 nights on an individual level does not make Korrika; for thousands of citizens to build a common tour, that is what Korrika does. It is the collective challenge of the Basque Country, and as the City of Pamplona has thrown Korrika out of the centre giving way to the procession, the Basques are losing positions. It is time to stop worrying about the individual and to fight collectively against linguistic imperialism.
Korrika 19 Hernanin barrena, euskararen aldarria kalera atereaz. (Arg: Dani Blanco)
Korrika 19 Hernanin barrena, euskararen aldarria kalera atereaz. (Arg: Dani Blanco)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights, adopted in 1996 with the approval of UNESCO, recognizes the right of any people to express and develop their own cultural, linguistic and organizational standards. Therefore, Euskera is a matter of human rights, and human rights are earned collectively, not individually.

Most of the messages in favour of the Basque Country were based on Euskaldunes themselves: “You lose a language if you don’t do it the one who knows Euskera”, “if you always do the first word in Euskera”, “empower yourself”… That “you”, “you” and “you” that feeds us individualism is constantly talking to us, without saying “if you don’t do it is because you don’t want it”, “you are free to do what you want”, “we all have the capacity for what it is”.

Although we fully maintain individual responsibility and know that the Basques are the key, it is important to stress that the collective responsibility and challenges of the Basque Country are important. The individual option is completely conditioned by the climate of society as a whole. Because a language is not created for oneself, it is always created and developed for a collective and for a collective.

The marketing experts tell us “do it in Euskera” with the joy that they say “take the bike”. These recommendations need to be made, as is not enough. Is the road, the traffic signs, the culture of the drivers adapted to the bicycle? Is taking the bike or Euskera in our village a nice experience or is it putting you in a position to take a blow?

We do not choose the language of the Basque Country

Let us not put a bad atmosphere among the citizens, let us not forget that for 40 years the Basque country has been banned in Hegoalde.

Basque Country prohibited under Franco
Under Franco, Euskera was banned.

We will suffer less, we will erase from the head all that imaginary that the Basque Country was banned, persecuted and sanctioned: we will not include the Basque Government in the list of victims, we will not show the Basque Government’s brute history in schools, we will not include the tests for the Autopsy (Koldo Izagirre), the broken chains of the Basque Basque Country.

If we cannot be free, let us eat at least the illusion. That yes, that being a woman or a man is the same day, and that being Euskaldun is also, that we all have the same rights and opportunities: What benefit does it bring to light differences? What do we solve by saying that Euskera is not an official language in most of the territory and that, therefore, learning, informing, etc., such as religion, remains in oneself, or more concretely, is at the expense of oneself? It is better not to realise that those who are currently engaged exclusively in Euskera run the risk of ending up in the courts and even in jail.

Be positive, go to coaching, try to make your Basque attractive to the monolinguals that trample on you, don't get angry, and above all, don't face you. If you're not conscious your junior life will be more bearable, you'll get approval from the monolinguals and don't forget that you live from mouth to mouth in your independent inner republic. Therefore, the responsibility is yours, the situation is always yours in Basque.

Euskera is liberating

It is a great transversality the question of the Basque Country, which has a great capacity of coincidence with the other oppressions and struggles.

To speak in Basque, for example, is to be freed from imperialist positions. Speaking in Basque is what makes us independent of the two states.

Speaking in Basque is an anti-capitalist attitude: when the objective is to accumulate coins, we are sure to have a more profitable option than Basque. Every time we choose the Basque Country, we are sure to prioritize other goals other than money and competition.

Half of the 7,000 languages that exist in the world will fade over this century. Speaking in Basque is, therefore, breaking with globalization that leads us to think, to dress the same, to eat the same and to speak the same way. Bet on those thousands of local languages in the world.

Most of the companies that speak in Basque are from here. Coca-Cola, Nestlé and McDonald’s don’t speak in Basque. Therefore, instead of putting our forces into introducing Euskera into its linguistic policies, we can send it “utikan!” and direct it to the creation of sustainable local models. Speaking in Basque is a commitment to food sovereignty.

To speak in Basque is to adopt an ecological attitude. Languages do not disappear like animals because they have chosen it, but because some break their own ecosystem (socio-linguistic). Most of the world ' s indigenous peoples have shown that without land there is no language. The spread of cement at high speed has to do with the destruction of life forms and languages.

The Basque is the origin that makes us Euskaldunes. Without paper, it makes us members of the community. The origin that makes us in Basque recognizes us as a fellow citizen, makes us equal.

Euskera and feminism go hand in hand. Euskera has characteristics consistent with feminist approaches (being a language without a gender mark, having names without a gender mark until Euskaltzaindia created the problem in the place of the Zantar-Zantar virtue..) and feminism is giving very good models in the management of languages, as it tries to raise awareness and articulate the multiple oppressions. Otherwise, ask Bilgune Feminist about the keys to living in Basque at the Encounters of 500 people. As Euskera and feminism come together in oppression and liberation, Noka is awakening the idea of acting consciously to foster complicity between women and subversive language.

What will be the language of the Basque State?

Auzolanean The most stupid citizen in the world who has read on the ARGIA website an article on the Basque language translated into 40 languages will link the desire for independence of Euskal Herria with that of having a language of its own. Most of them will be the main proof that it is their own people to have their own language. The recovery mission of the Basque Country is one of the main factors that, for many, legitimize the need for a state of its own.

From a distant perspective, the connections between one's own language and the state are as transparent as water. On the other hand, in recent times we have crossed the borders of Surrealism in the Basque Country, because we have come to hear whether the Basque Country is an obstacle to independence, when it is one of the main reasons for independence. As the phrase “Wait, first independence and then everything else” no longer convinces even the innocent, to clarify the positions we ask that the Euskaltzales answer the question: What will be the official (and real) language of the Basque State if it is not the Basque?

What do we expect to make Euskera necessary in the decision-making centres and institutions that we already have? What to do in the meantime with the thousands of citizens that schools and Euskaltegis have Euskaldunizado in the last 40 years? Are we waiting for all citizens to learn Basque 100%? If so, on the one hand, it is time to set deadlines. On the other hand, Euskera’s learning is also the time to make it universal and free.

Are you imperialist in the Basque Country?

All languages have the same value, the same legitimacy, the same right. However, not all languages have a predominant territory. Moreover, one of the great losses we have suffered in this generation is that there are no people who can live alone in Basque, just as there are no monolingual Euskaldunes. It has happened before our eyes, while we were worried about the discomfort of the Castilian speakers.

Those who speak Spanish in the Basque Country, consciously or unconsciously, continue to colonize the only territory the Basque country has in the world, taking away space from the Basque country. The conflict of languages is what moves among the citizens of Euskal Herria. The key is to make this conflict of languages conscious and visible, bring them to the table and work them dialectically. Feminism teaches us that “personal is political.” If before the arrival of Miguel all the crew goes to speak in Spanish, it is not a problem between Miguel and I, it is not an eccentricity of this cuadrilla.Miguel is a monolingual Castilian speaking Castilian and the rest, bilingual vascospeakers. Language is a clash between the imperialist and the colonized attitude, and in this clash the small one is always lost if the pressure to change language is not modified.

Anyone who wants to live with respect in the territory of the Basque Country must encourage the Basque people to do so in the Basque country. For this, it has a minimum sense of expression, of willingness to understand. If it is done better consciously, “I will speak in Spanish at the moment, but you always speak to me in Basque.”

Time to change the problem

Let each choose freely (hence consciously) in which language he or she speaks. Knowing the history of linguistic conflicts in the Basque Country, knowing the situation of the Basque country, that each chooses the conscious, the political, in what language he speaks.

And let no one be forced to speak in any language. Let us not impose any language.

It is clear that Euskaldunes (=bilingual) have no problem for coexistence. They are monolinguals with an imperialist attitude. To understand ourselves, because we are obliged to live together. And almost all it takes to understand it is will.

Those who decide to spend their whole lives with the answer “I don’t understand” will experience a problem throughout their lives, both in Paris, in Madrid and in Euskal Herria. The problem is not French in Paris, nor Spanish in Madrid, nor Euskera in Euskal Herria, the problem is putting stoppers to get up every morning and out in the street. Calm down, anyone who does not want to live in the conflict will immediately repark the stoppers and soon begin to understand the Basque. And whoever wants to live in the problem, well, as he has decided, he will have a problem with the Basque people throughout his life.

Born to be free

We speak in Basque because it is our choice, conscious, political, free. And our right as citizens. That's what that solution punched.

We will live once and we are not prepared to live trampled on, colonized, as second-class citizens. Moreover, if we live in the background, oppressed, colonized, trampled by the Basques, the Basque country is left behind.

The least that can be asked of politicians as citizens is to govern from and in Euskera, without complexes, without fear of what may seem like the oppressive language, without the colonized mentality. Politicians who do not rule in Basque and Basque do not represent us as Basques. We will live once, therefore, so that we can live as we want: in our people, in the middle of Euskera.


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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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