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There's a coffee that never heats up

  • Coffee and cookies. When: 14 March. Where: Astra, Gernika. Musicians: Morau and Beñardo.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The fourteenth and, according to everything, the last edition of Cafe and Cookies was held on the 14th. There appeared Andoni Tolosa “Morau” and Beñardo Goietxe, to present live the album Arrain himnoak they created together, and commented Live at the Old Quarter of Townes Van Zandt.

Gernika's concert has never been a concert designed for the masses, but since its launch in 2008 it has reached the referentiality, both by the musicians invited to act and by the originality of the project. Meet every month, listen to a disc chosen by the musician who will act live until the coffee and cookies are tasting, hence the name, and then the small format bolus.

After a long time without organizing, Gernika left a good taste of mouth for Lekue’s latest performances within the festival: Morau had long wanted to bring Leire López, according to the organizer, and the fun pop of Hernaniarra met expectations. The album he has composed with Goietxe Beratarra is full of irony in daily life; and also of melodies that many musicians will hear with envy.

Especially exciting to me was the song Hondarribia 2012, and also a light that closed the concert in version of The Smiths, Bada never goes out. Not only me: a group of viewers dismissed Kafe and Galletak dancing on the stage.


See Morau and Beñardo playing the Astran Intergalactic Landfill of Gernika live:

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