The girl has drawn on the paper the coat of arms of Osasuna and handed it over to her grandfather. She doesn't realize she's small and she's going to draw something else, but grandpa gets excited. Many years of accumulated experience on the shoulder, including the career of the beloved football team. And now this. How to swallow it?
Many people in Navarre continue with disbelief everything that is happening with Osasuna, although everyone knows that “football matches are sold as apples and lettuce”. Everything from the CAN has already passed, let it be left to Caixabank, the issues of diets, the issue of Councillor Goicoechea, the phantom loan of 55 million granted to Osasuna by the CAN…
Darkness succeeds each other, but this has touched the citizen in particular. Whether or not you want it, Health is Health. That is why many citizens did not understand that the opposition of the Navarre Parliament (Bildu, Aralar, Geroa Bai and I-E) would not have accepted the rescue of the beloved club at the end of November when the Health Act was passed. The Diario de Navarra also made it clear: look, it is the nationalists who do not want to save Osasuna.
Many others, whether or not they are amateurs of Osasuna, because again it was clear that UPN, PSN and PPN carried under their arm a new tortilla of the trunk that they have cut in Navarre in recent decades. OSASUNA settled a debt of EUR 53 million to the Hacienda de Navarra in exchange for its football headquarters, mainly the football field of El Sadar. Ethically, there were drawbacks: Why health is yes, and many other small and medium-sized enterprises are not? Why does so much money move in the world of professional football and not with those affected by home mortgages? Why has it not disappeared with the Itxako handball team or other sports teams?
The opposition raised legitimate problems: a legal study of the law before its adoption and an audit of Osasuna’s accounts. Finally, the audit was approved at the request of the PSN, but once the Law was approved it was done. The audit carried out by Professional Football in Spain has exploded before and, once again, UPN, PSN and PPN have been left out of reach of the rear: A former director of Osasuna and another former manager in prison – Miguel Archanco and Txuma Peralta – and four accused, for an alleged crime of rebellion of EUR 2.4 million without justification for the alleged trafficking of parties.
What did the Government of Navarra know about everything that was going on in Osasuna in the last thirteen years? At least he had tools to know a lot, another thing is where he was looking, because the most important thing was that Navarre also had his team in the foreground. “To be in the first position with dignity,” said former lehendakari Miguel Sanz. Yolanda Barcina also did not have Osasuna’s address to sell, and said the following about Patxi Izco when in April 2012 he announced that he would no longer be director: “He has been a great director,” “he has done a great job and I hope he will get it right [with the decision to leave him].” Osasuna’s debt was EUR 75 million and 53 of them with the Navarra Treasury: UPN, PSN and PPN have been paid at the price that has given them their own blackboard address.
Silence is absolute on the right of the Foral Community. And fear. The Diario de Navarra has also been silent, but without citing as little as possible the Health Act, the UPN or the Government of Navarra. One of the most important questions could be: Did UPN get out of the Health Act thinking that with that advance the situation would be saved and everything would be under the carpet?
The answer is in the air, but anyway the bazokazos of Ángel Vizcaíno, Osasuna’s manager for 24 years, are destroying the entire area of El Sadar. Why now? It is not known whether the question will be clarified, but it does sweat a lot. I don’t know if Shakespeare actually launched the famous “Someday Navarre will surprise the world”, but the phrase is on its way to being true. And how!
Itxaron zerrendak gutxitzeko Osasunbideak hartutako estrategiak gaitzetsi ditu Plataformak
Haurreskolara beharrean, 0-3 urte bitarteko umea zuzenean ikastetxera bidaltzea, Haur eta Lehen Hezkuntza osoa (12 urtera arte) hartzen dituen zentro berera. Hori da Nafarroako Hezkuntza Sailak Burlatako Hilarion Eslava ikastetxean martxan jarriko duen proiektu pilotua eta... [+]
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Astelehenean abiatu da sindikatuak deitutako greba eta apirilaren 6 arte luzatuko da. Lan-gainkarga salatu eta baldintzak hobetzeko eskatu dute, baita mediku egoiliarrei karrera profesionala aitortzea ere.
33/2013 Foru Legeari Xedapen gehigarri bat gehitu zaio datozen aldaketak gauzatu ahal izateko, eta horren bidez ahalbidetzen da “erregimen frankistaren garaipenaren gorespenezkoak gertatzen diren zati sinbolikoak erretiratzea eta kupularen barnealdeko margolanak... [+]
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11 doctors in health care earn 230,000 euros each year, one of the practices 18,000 euros
This Thursday, EH Bila asked the Government of Navarre to investigate and correct this situation in the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarre. The UPN and the PP have joined the... [+]
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