Sahararen eta Amazoniaren artean milaka kilometro daudenez, ez dirudi bien artean harreman handirik egon daitekeenik. Baina Maryland-eko Unibertsitateko (AEB) ikerlari talde batek, NASAko satelite baten laguntzaz, erlazioa uste baino estuagoa dela frogatu du.
Calipso sateliteak 2007 eta 2013 artean laser bidez egindako neurketak aztertuz heldu dira ondorio horretara. Antza, urtero 182 milioi tona hauts ateratzen da Saharatik, eta 2.600 kilometro egin ondoren, 132 milioi tona heltzen dira Hego Amerikara. Horietatik 37 milioi inguru Amazoniako oihanean lurreratzen dira, euriaren eraginez.
Hauts horretan hainbat mineral garraiatzen dira. Horien artean fosfatoak dira garrantzitsuenetakoak, landareentzako ongarri eraginkorrak baitira.
Baina Saharako hautsaren eragina ez da hor gelditzen. Ozeano Atlantikoan eta Karibe itsasoan itsasoratutako hautsak fitoplanktona elikatzen du, eta horregatik dira hain aberatsak bertako ekosistemak.
This weekend I've been thinking about the word 'aesthetic' in relation to a phrase said by a friend: “This work is aesthetic.” I have studied the etymology of the word aesthetic, it seems that its meaning was originally perceived through the senses, and it was later associated... [+]
Life surrounds everything, it is limited and fragile. To live good lives, it seems to me that the body knows what to do, while the mind, although it knows (when it is well informed), often sees the body deliberately silence. In this silence the mind opens itself to relations... [+]
The consumerist culture we live in sends every user to an unreasonable enjoyment. As Slavoj Zize says, Enjoy your fetish, it has become the rude mandate of hypermodernity. Current enjoyment is carried out through existing technological devices to occupy the place of fetish. But... [+]