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Grezia bidea erakusten ari da

Espainia eta Portugaleko gobernuek euren terminal mediatikoak erabiliz kexa agertu dute Tsiprasek agerian utzi dituelako. Arrazoia: greziarrek azaldu dute gobernu horiek euren plan alternatiboa hondatu nahi izan zutela Europako Batasunak egindako bileretan. Hain justu, Espainia eta Portugal Troikari fidel izan dira eta austeritate politikak ezarri dituzte euren herrialdeetan. Greziako Gobernuak aldiz erakutsi du badaudela beste alternatiba politiko eta ekonomikoak austeritateari aurre egiteko, EBko gainerako herrialdeen presioa jasan arren, Alemaniarena nagusiki.

Zentzu horretan, “gure esperantza” zen Grezia berria, herritarrekin hartutako konpromisoak betetzen ari da. Hala, herritarrak erreskatatzen hasi da bankuak erreskatatu beharrean. Jadanik abian jarri ditu lehenengo legea onartzeko tramiteak, “krisi humanitarioari” aurre egitea helburu duena. Pobrezian dauden 300.000 familiaren egoera hobetu nahi dute elektrizitatea doan emanez, etxebizitzen alokairurako laguntzak eskainiz eta elikadura bonoak banatuz. Planak 2.000 milioi euroko kostua du eta funts europarrekin eta zerga-bilketaren hobekuntzarekin finantzatuko da.

Greziako Gobernua erakusten ari da badakiela EBrekin negoziatzen funtsezko helburuak alboratu gabe. Modu horretan, aurreko gobernuaren austeritate neurriak ezartzeari uko egin dio. Gutxieneko soldata handitu egin da –Espainiako Estatukoaren gainetik, bide batez esanda–. Etxeko kontuetan erabakiak hartu ahal izateko nazio subiranotasuna berreskuratu da. Orain ez da beharrezkoa izango hazkundea %4,5ekoa izatea, Syrizak proposatu bezala %1,5ekoa baizik. Eta azkenik, zorra kitatzea lortu ez bada ere, dirua itzultzeko baldintzetan hobekuntza handia izango du hemendik aurrera Greziak, epeak eta interesak kontuan hartuta. Hori guztia Troikaren aurrean belauniko jarri gabe, Espainia eta Portugal ez bezala. Horregatik egin dute zaunka Greziako Syrizaren kontra, bidea erakusten ari delako merkatuen Europatik aldendu eta Europa sozial baterantz egiteko.

You are interested in the channel: Grezia
Greece, half a century without monarchy

Greece 1975. The country began the year as a republic, three weeks earlier, in the referendum on 8 December 1974, after the citizens decided on the end of the monarchy.

A decade earlier, in 1964, when King Paul I died, his son Constantine took the throne at the age of 23.
But... [+]

Fires in Greece lead to death and more than 50,000 evacuees
At least 10,000 hectares have been burned near Athens, while dozens of homes and businesses have been burned, EFE reported in a statement. The Greek Government has asked the European Union to assist the authorities in combating forest fires in Greece.

Millions of migrants victims of exploitation and abuse of rights in the European agricultural sector
Migrant workers regularly suffer violence, long working hours and undue payments, according to a study carried out in nine countries of the European Union. In almost all States, salaries are lower than the minimum, while women receive even lower salaries.

2024-07-05 | Gedar
The Greek Government sets a day of six days a week.
Work will also be regularised for thirteen hours a day, through the so-called 'Georgiadis Law', as well as facilitating redundancies and 'on-demand jobs'. Workers will not be able to give up on the sixth working day of the week.

According to the BBC, Greek coastguards drown migrants expelled from the boat on the high seas
As on 16 June the British BBC has made public, they have gathered testimonies demonstrating the brutal death of people who wanted to travel from Greece to Europe. There have been nine public cases that have come out of Greek water and have been thrown into the sea downstream of... [+]

Photo of the history of navigation

In 2019, in the waters of the Greek island of Cases, the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the Greek Ministry of Culture began a study. The result of the work has been recent and in total ten traces of boats have been found at different times. The oldest is about 5,000... [+]

Frontex knew that migrants from the ship ‘Adriana’ were in serious danger, but did nothing
The European Ombudsman has published an investigation into the case of a sunken ship with 720 migrants on the Greek coast in June last year. Frontex does not have enough "tools" to make decisions in these situations. Thus, although Adriana bystanders were in serious danger, it did... [+]

Greece approves same-sex marriage
It is the first Christian Orthodox country to legalize same-sex marriage.


Non volvín vello de Lesbos en Grecia. En Mitilene, a Asociación Vasca de Sabores ofrece a preto de 2.700 solicitantes de asilo unha comida ao día: arroz e potaxe, pan de pita e unha peza de froita. Límite de dignidade, 150 gramos por ración. O problema é que no campamento... [+]

2023-09-26 | Gedar
Legalisation of the 78-hour working week in Greece
Days of up to thirteen hours per day and six working weeks, that is, up to 78 hours. These are the maximum working hours that the Greek Government has legalised within the last labour reform. The measure promoted by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was approved last Friday in... [+]

Thousands of people go to the streets in Greece against the 13-hour day
The Greek Government will make a proposal for a law in Parliament on Thursday. In addition to legalising the 13-hour day, it seeks to infringe the right to strike.

Fires cause 43 deaths in Mediterranean countries
High temperatures and dry grounds have caused fires on Tuesday. The countries most affected are: Croatia, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Italy, Greece and France. In recent hours, fires have also spread in Portugal and the Canary Islands.

2023-07-19 | Ilargi Manzanares
The extreme heat of the northern hemisphere causes large fires.
The heat wave has given rise to the highest temperatures recorded so far, as well as increasing the risk of forest fires.

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