For the time being, the Basque Government will only be represented in the case of the City Council of Beizama, municipal sources have reported. The Vice-Minister for Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government, Patxi Baztarrika, has not revealed that he was going to be present in the other court cases of municipalities.
After meeting with the Commonwealth of Basque Municipalities (UEMA), Baztarrika pointed out that they do not rule out anything and that they will see what the next steps will be. UEMA wants the support of the Basque Government to the City of Beizama to be extended to others. At the meeting, the institution of the Basque municipalities has asked the Basque Government to coordinate the legal strategy between the two institutions, to prepare the new Municipal Law to support the municipalities, to set up a table to take steps to strengthen the respiratory centers.
As Patxi Baztarrika stated in the Basque Parliament, relations between administrations can be used in either of the two official languages, without the need for one person from another. The Government Delegation in Spain is obliged to carry out the formalities in any of the official languages.
Asked what the Basque Government should do in this matter, recently Council Secretary General Paul Bilbao said in the magazine Argia: "If the Basque Government considers that a rigid reading of the Basque Law is being done, but that same law gives possibilities, it should be in the judgments in defense of the municipalities. It should also have a plan B providing for the possibility of discretionary judgments. That is, you have to leave the ball in Parliament and think about what adjustments you have to make to the law to avoid these things.”
The delegate of the Spanish Government to the CAV, Carlos Urquijo, has denounced some twenty municipalities for transferring their municipal records only to Euskera. Twenty plaintiffs have been prosecuted and twenty have been required. Urquijo has set out in the Law of the Vascuence and ensured that municipalities cannot send their internal minutes to the government’s delegation in Euskera, but that Castilian has to be next door. n
Hamahiru ZirHika kide batu dira hitanoaren erabilera aldarrikatzeko eta antolakundearen ekintzen berri emateko. Azalpenak Badihardugu elkarteko Idoia Etxeberria eta Galtzaundiko Uxoa Elustondok egin dituzte. Horiei, Andoni Egaña eta Amaia Agirre bertsolariak eta... [+]
"Zubiak zeharka” lemapean, egun osoko egitaraua prestatu dute UEMA eguna ospatzeko. Herriko eragile guztiek hartu dute parte programaren prestaketan eta ekimen herrikoi eta partehartzailea izatea lortu dute horrela.