Five years ago, the Mariasun Landa Awards were launched in Errenteria-Orereta with the aim of publicizing the women who have contributed something to the people. They are distributed around 8 March. And gradually, the quote with the name of one of the most well-known writers in the locality is being taken as a reference. An interesting and imitative model for other peoples, since each year the main story, the official one written by men, manages to bring to the foreground the people who have gone on tiptoe.
An exercise in historical recovery? Yes, and more. Stressing the work of women who have a great deal to say, increasing the possibilities of giving recognition that deserves to what women today and tomorrow do. Rewriting what happened is laying the groundwork for writing a new story.
This year, nine quality works have been presented and the jury has awarded two prizes and two special mentions. The stories of older women have been the protagonists of the 2015 edition, such as that of Agustina Otaola. Born in 1931, she started playing the professional racketeer at the age of 15, following the footsteps of several family members – four guys were also working on it. He retired from the fronts in 1967, aged 41, becoming one of the most important players of the time. Where had this story been hidden that I would even give for a beautiful novel? No, it is not new to publish in big pictures the sport men practice, leaving women's feats among the shortest news.
These are stories worthy of being told. Short format texts, up to 6,000 characters, have been awarded in March, but this year’s winners also include raw material that can enable them to write longer papers.
On November 15, we will celebrate in Errenteria-Orereta the three days organized by the different agents that make up Euskal Herria Digitala. This is a feminist digital self-defense workshop and a talk about democratic digitalisation.
The members of Movie Tech will offer the... [+]
Euskal Herriko Neska* Gazteak sareak agerraldia egin du asteburu honetan Oreretan subjektu politikoa aldatu duela jakinarazteko. Hemendik aurrera, sareak Euskal Herriko Gazte Feministak izena hartuko duela iragarri dute.
Larunbatean 44 urte bete dira espainiar polizia batek Francis tiroz hil zuela Oreretan. Josu Santamarina Francisen hilketaz eta Euskal Herriko LGTB mugimenduaren sorreraz mintzatu zaigu, ohi duen bezala, mimo handiz prestaturiko kolaborazio berri honetan.