How does Parliament see it compared to the 1990s?
Amended. In our time, we had to combine the work of each with that of Parliament and now parliamentarians have more time to do their work. The former had its advantages, but the one I now think is better. Furthermore, I see Parliament as more active, more socially active.
What about the atmosphere among parliamentarians?
In that sense, I have not noticed any major changes. Relations between the first parliamentarians were quite normal, perhaps somewhat more normal at the moment.
The old saying in Spanish says that the second times are not good. Fear?
And it's also not a return for me, because I've been there so far. The first machine was in the room and now in the motto, but on the same boat. There's the EH Bildu project, and that's encouraged me to take this step.
Do you see yourself as President of the Government of Navarra?
Yes, no doubt. They've chosen me for that, and I'm getting ready for it.
You are a history of HB in Navarra. What would you say to a citizen who mistrusts HB and the Abertzale left?
We will ask for the vote of all those who are Basque, Basque or Basque. We will tell you that we have a historic opportunity and that we are the most appropriate guarantee to bring down the regime and bring about real political and social change. We are people who trust, we do what we say. We shall be faithful to those who vote for us.
What is Podemos, the party that can take away votes from EH Bildu or the political ally for a possible government?
I see it as an ally. We broadly agree with what has been said so far in Navarre and we have said it here for some time: the opening of the constituent process, the new transition, the fight against the elites, social justice, the unity of citizenship that is spoken for the municipalities… They have allied, because the change in Navarre will be plural.
You mentioned the unity of citizenship. Can you see that in those candidatures that will be made in the south of Navarre match Podemos?
We will agree in many places, but not like Podemos or EH Bildu, but because citizenship meets. In those candidatures of citizens who are given in FITERO, Cintruénigo, Herriberri… we have been and will continue to be us, and I think there will also be people dedicated to Podemos.
Will these candidatures be more numerous than in other elections?
I think yes, so far there are people who have not participated in these cases and this time they will be encouraged.
You mentioned that, in the face of ideas, they agree on many things. Aren't you afraid of Podemos's influence?
No, our political project is aimed at Navarre society, but as our time says, we are talking about the whole of Basque Country. The subject of our constituent process is Euskal Herria and Podemos Spain.
It is said that Laura Pérez has been voted by many people from the left Abertzale over the Internet. Is that true?
I don't know, but I don't think so. We have not made any movement for it, it has been said, but we deny it from top to bottom. More people also took part in the primaries to take over the leadership of the state.
Are you hiding the right vote when cooking the polls?
Citizenship will have to say so, but on a social level there is a passion for change and it is up to the parties to make it a political change. There's a lot of potential for change. The surveys have put several photos on the table and I think the Navarrometer has been the most blurred.
A hypothetical new government should be made up of several opposition parties. There are two hypotheses: one, EH Bildu is inside; two, EH Bildu supports the government from Parliament. Waiting for the results, do you see this second possible?
At the moment we do not take this second hypothesis into account. UPN, PSN and PPN do not need to achieve 26 seats to achieve change. If this happens, the change must be plural and not exclusive. If the government is satisfied, we are not going to start talking about lehendakari, we must first agree on the programme and then, depending on the results, talk about each other’s representatives. If we are given it by the citizens, we are willing to take the lead.
Are you talking about this possibility in advance between the political parties?
A year and a half ago we made an offer to reach an agreement between Geroa Bai and Left-Ezkerra. I believe that this scheme would be useful if we were to talk about agreeing the programme. We have direct relationships with them, and we're not talking about government, but we're talking about change. We can now establish their official representation and we will have the opportunity to talk to them.
Let's go with the imagination. Should there be a reform of the Foral Amejoramiento if it were in government?
Our priority would be to address the social emergency. We will put on the table the right to decide of Navarre and, in view of a deadline, citizens should be consulted, but that is not our priority.
The current Foral Amejoramiento Foral has never been voted. If that were to happen now, what would EH Bildu vote for?
We once refused Foral Improvement. If we have to talk about that, we will have to talk about the political status of Navarre, and make a debate that has never been given. Navarre has never specifically supported the current Foral Improvement. In the meantime, the powers of the Foral Amejoramiento must be used to advance in the social and political sphere and, ultimately, to achieve another political scenario.
How would the Basque Way join the government's action in this hypothetical government?
The Navarro route is ahead of the Via Vasca and it is there that we must start from the competences we have. In these competences there are potentialities that have not been used so far and in its exercise a basic law on the legal status of Navarre should be drafted to, among other things, establish the political-institutional relations that they want to maintain with the rest of the Basque territories, always bearing in mind that Navarre is a political subject. Then we would talk about whether we want to merge with the similar process that has been carried out in the CAV.
The Fourth Transitional Provision, currently in force, offers the possibility to do so.
No, there is talk of the integration of Navarre into the CAV and that is not what counts. We want a model of fusion, a union of communities with two political and institutional realities and a new political and institutional reality.
In other words, this tool cannot be used.
UPN has historically claimed that Navarre will be what the Navarros want, but it also wants to erase that gap, taking the Navarros out of the word. We should think about what to do if at any given time it had the potential for our goals, but that's not our way.
In the Basque Way it is said that the CAV, Navarra and Iparralde have to make their way towards a united and independent Basque Country. If, at any given time in the CAV, there would be a will, would it be right for independence to be declared?
That is not our way. In Euskal Bidea, it is first proposed to make one of the two realities of the South, and then, yes, to propose a democratic exercise to the Spanish State. It is anticipated that this type of exercise will not be carried out over time.
In an article written by José Mari Esparza, he has just made a very strong criticism of nationalism, also on the Abertzale left, for his performance and behavior in the south of Navarre.
Yes, it has done so with its sharp shapes, and there are two different realities in Navarre, below and above the Estella-Tatreatments–Sangüesa line. It is true that the realities of Tafalla and Caparroso are very different, but if there are changes it will have to be by the local citizenship and not by the outside. I do not agree with the parachutist policy.
Esparza stressed that in the face of these different realities, the Abertzale left has used homogenizing policies. Do you think that is true?
In a sense, maybe. The forces that we're in EH Bildu are thinking about it, and a lot of things are going to come up. The influence of the regime is also present for many years and I believe that if there were to be a change in Navarre, the image of Basque nationalism and Basque nationalism in southern Navarre would change considerably.
It took 28 years for the recent changes in the Basque Law. Is the change small or large?
For some it is small and for others it is large. It's a very important step, but like 28 years ago now, we believe that real change is to end zoning. I believe, however, that we need to make self-criticism of the 1995 action, since we then reject the proposal for a similar change that has now been made.
Self-criticism in what sense?
So, to recognize that we did it wrong.
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