Job insecurity and wage inequality, which has emerged from capitalism and has been exacerbated by the crisis of recent years, affect women and men. But, as the data constantly state, women are the ones who suffer the most. They have a woman's face.
In the case of job insecurity in the Basque Country, this situation is 22.3%, 8 points above the European Union average; but female job insecurity is 25.9%, 11.2 points above. On the other hand, 93.5% of contracts are temporary, especially among those with a working day spent. In the case of Ipar Euskal Herria, job insecurity among women stands at 80%. In terms of pay, the inequality between men and women is also very serious. In the Basque Country as a whole, according to the statistical institutes INE and INSEE, women perceive 27% less than men. The last statistical survey available is that of 2012, in which women received an average of 21,192 euros, compared to 28,880 euros for men.
This unfair situation requires decisive political action to achieve a fundamental change that places dignity and equality at the centre of administrative and business decisions. Undoubtedly, in many cases man believes he is above, but besides, the capitalist system also generates precariousness and inequality. He's carrying him in the blood. As long as man does not abandon this false belief and do not dismantle the present system and create an alternative, precariousness and inequality will remain there; other systems are similar (socialist, communist, Arab...). Those who define anti-capitalist and left-wing (politicians, trade unionists, members of social movements...) should strive to build a social and economic model based on real equality between men and women.
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