By 2020, the Basque Government has aligned the Basque R & D strategy with EU legislation. In the past few weeks we have made known the nervousness of our research centres, now it is up to companies. In two words: The call of Gaitek 2015 has meant a hardening of conditions and less money for companies conducting research in the CAV.
In 2014, 1,400 projects were submitted, of which 800 will receive some form of funding, according to the resolution adopted in February 2015. We have known the amount of funding last year and, therefore, once the projects have been completed. It is good to implement measures to control public money, but the administration should also be a leader in innovation and management; this year companies have been asked to tighten their belts and it seems that the administration has not foreseen anything new, at least in public. Nervousness and indignation have spread in companies. And that's not right for research.
Apirila hasieran jakin genuen berak koordinatutako ikerlari taldeak COVID-19 atzemateko PCR proba bat garatu zuela, eskas ziren test komertzialik behar ez duena. Munduko Osasun Erakundeak test masiboak egitea gomendatzen du koronabirusaren hedapena saihesteko eta hala egin dute... [+]
All public administrations in the Basque Country, and of course the Basque Government, use digitalisation as the axis of their industrial strategy. The research on which it is based is also geared towards digitalisation as advanced as possible.
Basque cultural and cultural... [+]
Harvard unibertsitateko ikertzaile talde batek Azukrearen Elkarteko kideekin izandako harremanak aztertuz ondorioztatu dute 60ko hamarkadan ordainketak egin zituztela.
The Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (Saretek) was opened in 1997. Saret consists of about 200 associations and entities grouped into a dozen groups. What began as a challenge 17 years ago has managed to take root in the Basque industry, and if the latter has... [+]
The Basque Government wants to update by 2020 the infrastructure of research centres created in the last century. In order for research results to reach companies more efficiently, the aim is to redefine the objectives of the research work and the structuring of the centres.
In... [+]
Ekai Center taldeak analisi bat egin du Eustatek kaleratutako Ikerketa eta Garapeneko azken datuekin. %2aren azpitik dago EAEk I+G-ra bideratutako inbertsioa, eta emaitza horiek “ekonomia politika arduragabearen isla” direla adierazi dute Garan argitaratutako... [+]
Ikerketa eta Garapenean Euskal Herrian egindako inbertsioa gutxitu egin da azken urteetan. Gaindegia behategiak bere blogean argitaraturiko artikulu batek dio, arlo horretan Europako abangoardia diren Alemaniako länder-etatik gero eta urrunago gaudela.