A big challenge for A Serious Comedy, the fake documentary by Lander Camarero. Nizar Rawi, director of the Iraqi Film Festival, is fed up with not presenting any comedy to the festival and is thus launching the first Iraqi comedy, in which he hopes to change his country image internationally. But not everyone will see with good eyes the desire to laugh in hard contexts. Camarero talks about the importance, influence and power of humor in difficult situations, without losing the opportunity to denounce before the Supreme. A critical comedy that belongs to him, that is strong and convincing. This is the second result of the trilogy on activism, previously made by A Political Story, and now being prepared by the third: A Revenge Story.
The film that Aitor Arrangi bought in Zarautz has won the Golden Goose in the last edition of the Lekeitio Basque Film Festival. Are they condemned to be weak and oppressed, or are they entitled to indignation, to protest, to explode? Oñatiarra brings us a very well recorded history and reflection, accompanied by a good interpretation of the protagonist, Nagore Aranburu. “I think all or almost all of us have ever felt that we are invisible and I wanted to address that feeling. Some feel at ease in a continuous conflict, others face the opposite, give up and become invisible, often compromising dignity.” I tell the story of a woman who wants to regain her dignity.
The new thing about Koldo Almandoz is beautiful: The latest flight from Hubert Le Blon. Based on the life of Hubert Le Blon, one of the pioneers in the world of the motorcycle, the aviation show made in San Sebastian from the gaze of his wife, in a simple and subtle way, combining archival material and animation. “I wanted to give my wife a voice, because she is the most unknown couple in the history of this peculiar duo. And I found it nice to show the last flight through animation, give it a dreamer touch,” says Almandoz.
Don Miguel de Kote Camacho, narrated shortly, is a direct and clear message to the ethics of banks and bankers. It has an original trait, reminiscent of Sin City and comic style.
The film by Asier Altuna SOROA, for its part, is part of a poem by Jorge Oteiza entitled Leave every death an accusing finger to the sky, with a dose of surrealism. The powerful landscapes of the Bardenas attract the attention of the spectator; the arid lands, the closed skies, the violent rains…
The last two papers are in Spanish. On the one hand, the work of Anómalo, Aitor Gutierrez, the story of three older men who spy on the neighbor in front of them with the help of the binoculars. The film mixes humor and a point of mystery, and it succeeds on several occasions, but at times we found it irregular.
Sailor’s Grave is a collective work, an animation that represents ten artists from all over the world taking the sea as a theme. It has as its starting point and goal creativity and experimentation, and it has much more than conventional cinema of art, creativity and experimentation.
No other land dokumentalaren zuzendari Hamdan Ballal kolono sionistek jipoitu zuten astelehenean bere herrian, beste hainbat palestinarrekin batera, eta Israelgo militarrek eraman zuten atxilo ondoren. Astarte goizean askatu dute.
Donostiako Tabakaleran, beste urte batez, hitza eta irudia elkar nahasi eta lotu dituzte Zinea eta literatura jardunaldietan. Aurten, Chantal Akerman zinegile belgikarraren obra izan dute aztergai; haren film bana hautatu eta aztertu dute Itxaro Bordak, Karmele Jaiok eta Danele... [+]
35 film aurkeztu dira lehiaketara eta zortzi aukeratu dituzte ikusgai egoteko Euskal Herriko 51 udalerritan. Euskarazko lanak egiten dituzten sortzaileak eta haiek ekoitzitako film laburrak ezagutaraztea da helburua. Taupa mugimenduak antolatzen du ekimena.
Pantailak Euskarazek eta Hizkuntz Eskubideen Behatokiak aurkeztu dituzte datu "kezkagarriak". Euskaraz eskaini diren estreinaldi kopurua ez dela %1,6ra iritsi ondorioztatu dute. Erakunde publikoei eskatu diete "herritar guztien hizkuntza eskubideak" zinemetan ere... [+]
Geroz eta ekoizpen gehiagok baliatzen dituzte teknologia berriak, izan plano orokor eta jendetsuak figurante bidez egitea aurrezteko, izan efektu bereziak are azkarrago egiteko. Azken urtean, dena den, Euskal Herriko zine-aretoak gehien bete dituztenetako bi pelikulek adimen... [+]
Otsailaren 24tik eta martxoaren 1era bitartean, astebetez 60 lan proiektatuko dituzte Punto de Vista zinema dokumentalaren jaialdian. Hamar film luze eta zazpi labur lehiatuko dira Sail Ofizialean; tartean mundu mailako lau estreinaldi eta Maddi Barber eta Marina Lameiro... [+]
A conference for architects has just been held in Madrid to discuss the crisis of the professional architect. They have distinguished the traditional and contemporary way of being an architect. What is traditional? From the epic architect who appears in The Brutalist, where... [+]
Itoiz, udako sesioak filma estreinatu dute zinema aretoetan. Juan Carlos Perez taldekidearen hitz eta doinuak biltzen ditu Larraitz Zuazo, Zuri Goikoetxea eta Ainhoa Andrakaren filmak. Haiekin mintzatu gara Metropoli Foralean.