On one end of the bread the municipalities most Euskaldunes and on the other the Castellanoparlantes. The mouse is eating the two bumps.
Iñaki Iurrebaso has presented the 30 years of sociolinguistic evolution of the municipalities of UEMA in the II Conference Territory and Language, Tools and Challenges. He has detailed the capacity of Euskera, the first language and the household usage data of these municipalities. The Basque Country has regressed, taking into account the three variables, especially in the last ten years. Using the words of Iurrebaso, “the Basque municipalities today are not so Euskaldunes, the place of Castilian is not marginal”.
The other extreme is also eroded, in the more Castilian speaking municipalities there is an increasing proportion of vasco-speakers.
Therefore, in the Castilian speaking municipalities the Basque Country is gaining strength, while in the Basque Country it is being lost.
The two rolls are on their way to disappear, that is, the trend is obvious to convergence. The loss of a lump is a joy, the most Castilian speaking area is beginning to Euskaldunize. Is there no alternative but to lose the other piece of bread in return? As for the number of inhabitants, it is the group of Castilian speaking municipalities that has the most population. The number of inhabitants of the Basque municipalities is lower. On the contrary, the Basque municipalities are considered respiratory centers, strengths of the Basque country, hearts. The loss of these spaces is also measured qualitatively.
The bread metaphor serves both the CAV and Navarra. According to the socio-linguistic map that has just been published, the two bullets are also running out there. One of the keys would be to slow the loss rate of one of these extremes.
Hamahiru ZirHika kide batu dira hitanoaren erabilera aldarrikatzeko eta antolakundearen ekintzen berri emateko. Azalpenak Badihardugu elkarteko Idoia Etxeberria eta Galtzaundiko Uxoa Elustondok egin dituzte. Horiei, Andoni Egaña eta Amaia Agirre bertsolariak eta... [+]
"Zubiak zeharka” lemapean, egun osoko egitaraua prestatu dute UEMA eguna ospatzeko. Herriko eragile guztiek hartu dute parte programaren prestaketan eta ekimen herrikoi eta partehartzailea izatea lortu dute horrela.