In the midst of Kutxabank's alleged irregularities, ETA has appeared, and everything indicates that in the coming years there will be numerous irregularities and money on the pretext of its struggle, as there is no secret that there has been money and actions in the sewers of the North War.
Pending what the case of Mario Fernández can bring in the courts, in the context of the operation many inadequate positions can be seen, some at the limit of the law and others in the ethics. There is no doubt that ETA’s activity has generated decades of very harsh situations that have caused many of the people who have acted against it to have received the State’s favor and reparation.
Former PSE-EE member Mikel Cabieces, who has been temporarily expelled from the PSE-EE, could be one of them. It would be interesting, however, to know who, when and how of these favors, because surely in that list there will also be those who have received more and less, whether in money or in species. There will also be lists of not received. There can be many reflections on the case. For example, why in an area where the authorities consider it beneficial for society – the fight against ETA – people who carry out their work through jobs or otherwise – when they have their salaries – should be rewarded, and not those who have worked in other areas, such as those who have worked for rights or against poverty. Mario Fernández states that these practices were common among institutions and the business world. It would therefore at least be good to know which criteria were used.
I didn't know anything. This is the first sentence that appears in such cases, and hence the mistrust of the citizens, who usually do not know anything. But no, Mario Fernández alone doesn't believe it. Joseba Egibar says that the PNV knew nothing, that Fernandez had been an irregular activity and that if he had been consulted about the post of Cabieces, the party would not accept such an intervention in Kutxabank, because that is not his task.
It is not a question of whether Fernandez went to tell the Jeltzales, it is simpler than that, since the Bank of Spain has been aware of the matter from the official records of the Kutxabank Governing Council and the PNV has its own representatives in this body. It was Kutxabank’s own president, Gregorio Villalabeitia, who reported on the matter on the Management Board at the end of 2014, but the members of the Council did not find it a complaint or communication matter. Neither the PNV, nor the PSE, nor the representatives of pp, who have joined this initiative. Just to Villalabeitia. That is why, perhaps, Josu Erkoreka, the spokesman for the Basque Government, finds this whole matter of the complaint very rare. I am sure that the Basque Government has also had the first news from the press, like any other citizen or citizen.
There are statements beyond surprise, which are significant among politicians. José Antonio Pastor (PSE) said that "I wish everything had remained on the carpet". And for Borja Senpere, the mistake is not for those who ask, but for those who seem to have asked Antonio Basagoiti, a former PP leader.
In Fernandez’s opinion there are no errors, but – at the suggestion of Villalabeitia – he found it better to return from his pocket to Kutxabank the EUR 245,000 he had paid to Cabieces on the salaries of EUR 6,000. The generosity of the rich is enormous. However, why does someone have to come back if they think they have done nothing wrong? Two hypotheses: one to keep the problem secret; that is why Fernández now feels that Villalabeitia has betrayed him because he has paid him and yet has made a complaint to him. Two, because in the event of a penalty in the courts, money repayment is a mitigating factor.
However, in this case, the tree hides the forest again. In addition to the fact that the Cabieces case is absolutely inadequate, the most serious thing here is that the boxes of nature and social control currently have a totally private character. Fernandez, in addition, wanted to put 70% of his actions in private hands, and that is why the clash with the PNV arose. But, devil, I'm sure now it's better in the temple of Repsol's top positions than between the traitors and the thankless.
Plus, fix yourself in Kutxabank, right? Why so much fuss with what's going on in a private center?
Belen Bilbao mediku eta militante feministaren, Argitan Emakumeentzako Aholku Etxearen eta Skolastika literatur proiektuaren ibilbidea aitortuko dute VII. Zirgari Sariek. Martxoaren 7an egingo da sari banaketa, Bilboko BBK Aretoan.