Duela 125 urte Nellie Bly kazetari estatubatuarrak Jules Verneren Phileas Fogg pertsonaia ezaguna emulatu nahi izan zuen, munduari 80 egunean bira osoa eginez. Fikziozko balentria berdindu ez ezik, hobetu egin zuen: 1890eko urtarrilaren 25ean itzuli zen New Yorkera, eta Foggek baino zazpi egun gutxiago behar izan zituen planeta inguratzeko.
Ez zen hura izan Elizabeth Cochraneren –hori zuen benetako izena– lorpen bakarra. Besteak beste, 1887an, eritasun mental bat zuela itxuratuz, erietxe psikiatriko batean sar zezaten lortu zuen. Hamar egunean erietxeko baldintza onartezinak sufritu ondoren, New York World egunkarian salatu zuen bizi izandakoa. Kasua epaitegietara iritsi zen, eta erietxeko baldintzak hobetzea erabaki zutenean kazetariaren gomendioak aintzat hartu zituzten. Munduari bira eman baino lehen, gaixo batzuen egoera iraultzea lortu zuen behintzat.
In the Maszycka cave in Poland, remains of 18,000 years ago were found at the end of the 19th century. But recently, human bones have been studied using new technologies and found clear signs of cannibalism.
This is not the first time that a study has reached this conclusion,... [+]
Porzheim, Germany, February 23, 1945. About eight o’clock in the evening, Allied planes began bombing the city with incendiary bombs. The attack caused a terrible massacre in a short time. But what happened in Pforzheim was overshadowed by the Allied bombing of Dresden a few... [+]
Poloniar ikerlari talde batek Sevillako Italica aztarnategiko Txorien Etxea aztertu du, eta eraikinaren zoruko mosaikoak erromatar garaiko hegazti-bilduma xeheena dela ondorioztatu du.
Txorien etxean 33 hegazti daude mosaikoetan xehetasun handiz irudikatuta. Beste... [+]
Judea, 2nd century AD. In the turbulent atmosphere of the Roman province, a trial was held against Gaddaliah and Saul, accused of fraud and tax evasion. The trial was reported on a 133-line paper in Greek (pictured). Thinking that it was a Nabataean document, the papyrus was... [+]
Vietnam, February 7, 1965. The U.S. Air Force first used napalma against the civilian population. It was not the first time that gelatinous gasoline was used. It began to be launched with bombs during World War II and, in Vietnam itself, it was used during the Indochina War in... [+]
Archaeologists have discovered more than 600 engraved stones at the Vasagård site in Denmark. According to the results of the data, dating back to 4,900 years ago, it is also known that a violent eruption of a volcano occurred in Alaska at that time. The effects of this... [+]