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Munduari bira 72 egunean

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Duela 125 urte Nellie Bly kazetari estatubatuarrak Jules Verneren Phileas Fogg pertsonaia ezaguna emulatu nahi izan zuen, munduari 80 egunean bira osoa eginez. Fikziozko balentria berdindu ez ezik, hobetu egin zuen: 1890eko urtarrilaren 25ean itzuli zen New Yorkera, eta Foggek baino zazpi egun gutxiago behar izan zituen planeta inguratzeko.

Ez zen hura izan Elizabeth Cochraneren –hori zuen benetako izena– lorpen bakarra. Besteak beste, 1887an, eritasun mental bat zuela itxuratuz, erietxe psikiatriko batean sar zezaten lortu zuen. Hamar egunean erietxeko baldintza onartezinak sufritu ondoren, New York World egunkarian salatu zuen bizi izandakoa. Kasua epaitegietara iritsi zen, eta erietxeko baldintzak hobetzea erabaki zutenean kazetariaren gomendioak aintzat hartu zituzten. Munduari bira eman baino lehen, gaixo batzuen egoera iraultzea lortu zuen behintzat.

You are interested in the channel: Historia
Mamuts hunting technique

A group of archaeologists from the University of Berkeley, California, USA. That is, men didn't launch the lances to hunt mammoths and other great mammals. That was the most widespread hypothesis so far, the technique we've seen in movies, video games ...

But the study, published... [+]

Romance sex

Zamora, late 10th century. On the banks of the Douro River and outside the city walls the church of Santiago de los Caballeros was built. The inside capitals of the church depict varied scenes with sexual content: an orgy, a naked woman holding the penis of a man… in the... [+]

2024-11-12 | Julene Flamarique
Sortu will speak in Bilbao on 20 November on the anniversary of the assassinations of Brouard and Muguruza
Sortu has warned that the Spanish and French states want to "stifle the national liberation movement" and has stated that the murders of HB militants Santi Brouard and Josu Muguruza "are part of the dirty war" that both states are doing.

Kept in memory and in heart, they will continue to expand Saturraran's history.
Organized by the Saturraran Association, he met this Saturday on Memorial Day in the vicinity of the Saturraran Women's Prison, between 1939 and 1944, to remember and pay tribute to imprisoned women and children.

The revolt of Bera and the smile of Primo de Rivera

Born 7 November 1924. A group of anarchists broke into Bera this morning to protest against the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and to begin the revolution in the Spanish state.

Last October, the composition of the Central Board was announced between the displaced from Spain... [+]

Joseba Lizeaga: “Iruña-Veleiako polemikaren oinarrian grafitoetan topatutako euskararen zantzuak daude”

Urriaren 26an Iruña-Veleia Argitu, ez suntsitu jardunaldian Zenbat esku daude Iruña-Veleian aurkitutako ostraken testuetan? ponentzia aurkeztu zuen Joseba Lizeagak

Mathematical Romanization of Africa

A group of interdisciplinary researchers from the Free University of Berlin and the Zuse Institute have developed a complex mathematical model to better understand how Romanization spread in North Africa.

According to a study published in the journal Plos One, the model has... [+]

Slave mothers of gynecology

Washington (EE.UU. ), 1807. The US Constitution banned transatlantic slave trade. This does not mean that slavery has been abolished, but that the main source of the slaves has been interrupted. Thus, slave women became the only way to “produce” new slaves.

So in 1845, in... [+]

Some details about Lebanon

On the pretext of leaving Hezbollah out of play, Israel has attacked Lebanon, which has been rejected. As a result, small Switzerland in the Middle East has been placed in the media spotlight, but remains an unknown country. In ancient times it was the origin of an important... [+]

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