“The mother who gave birth will not know this box,” said Enrique Goñi on his arrival at the presidency of the Can in 2002. Miguel Sanz, then President of the Government of Navarre and President of the Management Board of the Can, was the one who brought Goñi, one of the most powerful men in Navarre for eight years. Yolanda Barcina has also been key in this process, since, after being appointed mayor of Pamplona, she presided over the control committee of the Can and, upon reaching the presidency of the Government, presided over the Management Board. With them disappeared Caja Navarra.
It has not disappeared, Goñi said at a hearing in the Basque Parliament, but today it represents only 1% of Caixabank's actions. When Caixabank acquired in 2012 Banca Civica, which was part of this group together with CAN Caja Burgos, Caja Canarias and Caja Sola, its value ranged from 200 to 300 million euros. In 2010, the Can was valued at EUR 1.3 billion, but in 2012 a power-sharing audit carried out within Civic Banking valued it at EUR 408 million. And eventually it was sold for between EUR 200 and EUR 300 million. It is currently the banking foundation that guides the social action of this group of 1% shares held in Caixabank. Before joining Banca Civica, he raised 50% of Navarre’s savings. “To say that it exists as a financial entity is a euphemism,” said Lorenzo Riezu, who was director of the CAN before Goñi.
The former leaders of the Can and UPN argue that the situation of the fund is a consequence of the financial tsunami in which it has been immersed. However, in its management over the past 10 years, too many signs of vanity, corruption and mismanagement accumulate, reaching incredible measures.
AN CAN had 240 offices and 510 in 2010. Enrique Goñi began a crazy expansion of offices in which at least EUR 400 million have been invested. These offices were opened in Navarre, the CAV, Spain and abroad. One of the most special cases was the Washington branch in the United States, where millions were invested for its expansion and ultimately failed to obtain the authorization of the American banking authority.
Many millions of euros were also lost in the management of the companies in which the Can was involved. Following Goñi’s arrival in the management, some 300 pre-retirement was made – at a cost of EUR 180 million – but some 1,000 new recruits were made. In political and managerial positions, millions of euros were spent on diets, gifts and extraordinary wages. The Spanish National Court continues to investigate the possible involvement of Goñi and Miguel Sanz in the fabric of intellectual property. Goñi paid EUR 10.15 million in wages in 8 years and another EUR 2 million in a pension fund... The list of scandals in the Andean Community between 2002-2012 is endless.
That is all that the Committee of Inquiry of the Parliament of Navarre has to investigate. It is due until mid-March and its work may continue until the end of that month. First, the mount of reports requested by the parliamentary groups will be analysed and then the parade of authorities and leaders of the Can will be held. It is difficult to think that in this investigation time everything can be clarified and, therefore, it would be logical for Parliament to continue to investigate in the next legislature. The results of the May elections will decide whether or not that is possible.
Much of the research, however, is already carried out and is public, as in 2013 it is published in the book El Banquete, based on Kontuz's complaints and investigations. Here's most of the data published in this article. Alberto Gil, Aritz Intxusta and Patxi Zamora are the authors of the research. These allegations were based on Justice Mari Paz Benito in investigating the issue of the Can diets. If, at the present sitting, the Navarre Parliament were able to prove the fourth part that appears there, it would be a real disaster. It won't be easy. If the political responsibility of UPN in the disappearance of the Navarre society is clear to the Navarre society... It would be the beginning of the end of impunity.
Patxi Zamora Kontuz elkarteko eleduna lanetik bota zuten Guardia Zibilak hegazkinean sartzeko baimena kendu eta gero. Lau auzi ditu abian eta 20.000 euro beharko dituztela kalkulatu du elkarteak.
Gobernua babesten duten lau alderdiek eskatu dute presidente ohien agerraldia batzordean. Enrique Goñi Nafarroako Kutxako presidenteak bere burua eskaini du batzorde horretan agertzeko. Jose Antonio Sarria Enpresarien elkarteko presidentea, Jose Antonio Asiain Banka... [+]
Uxue Barkos buru duen gobernuak Nafarroan banku publiko bat sortzeko dauden aukerak aztertuko dituen txostena osatzeko agindu du. Irailean egingo da esleipena eta hamabi asteren buruan txostena bukatuta izango dela aurreikusten da. Orduan “asko eztabaidatu beharko... [+]
Hitzetik hortzera dabiltzan bi gai landu dituzte Geroa Baiko Jokin Castiella, EH Bilduko Bakartxo Ruiz eta Ezkerrako Joseba Ezeolaza parlamentariek, Juan Kruz Lakasta kazetariaren gidaritzapean: Nafarroako Kutxako ikerketa batzordea eta Espainiako hauteskundeak.
Erantzukizun politikoak argitu behar dira CAN desagertu izanak arduradunak dituelako. Argudio horiekin egin zuten ikerketa batzordearen alde Geroa Baik, EH Bilduk, Ahal Duguk, PSNk eta Ezkerrak.
Gero Bai, EH Bildu, Ahal Dugu, PSNk eta I-Ek eskari bateratua erregistratu dute Parlamentuan, Nafarroako Kutxaren "desagertzeari" buruzko ikerketa batzordea berriro martxan jar dadin.
Santiago Cervera PPko diputatu ohia absolbitu du Nafarroako Justizia Auzitegiko Zigor arloko 3. Epaitegiak.
Asteazkenean amaitu da Santiago Cervera PPko diputatu ohiaren aurkako epaiketa. Alde bakoitzak berean jarraitzen du eta fiskalak absoluzioa eskatu du.
Santiago Cervera PPko diputatu ohiak gogor idatzi du Diario de Navarra-ren aurka eta CANen desagerpenean dituen erantzukizunak azpimarratu ditu.