The forest is a great producer of food and storage. There, the most widespread motto is “eating and eating”. The problem is taking it more often. You shouldn't take a lot of sketches, because you have to catch them and often catch them and die, if you want to eat. Plants feed without killing. Take the necessary items out of the land and air. To do so, they have all kinds of friendships. Fungi are the best known.
Fungi have two very different parts to our eyes: the subterranean and the surface. The earth’s surface is “fruit,” a mushroom that we usually collect. Underground and surface hyphae or filaments are an important step in the life of the forest, where dead organic debris is destined for the life cycle. The enzymes that secrete fungi resume the chain that will never end. The remains are dissolved and become food for plants. The forest is an example of collaboration. Collaboration in chaos. The forest is the rainforest of life and life. Some will make progress and others will become sand. The rest is also necessary. There would be no fungi without sand and, no fungi, no plants.
The union between the fungus and the plant is called “mycorrhiza”. Greek words Mycos (fungus) and rhizos (root) explain the meaning: root fungus. They are a compulsory partnership: fungi buy and offer food and water, and plants, carbohydrates and vitamins. 95% of the known plants claim that they constitute some kind of mycorrhiza. As in all collaborations, everyone has their tastes and opinions. The fungus will choose the plant and the plant the fungus. That is why we will not find nogales in clean grass, nor spring mushrooms in the hayedo. Bizi, the esnegorri will live with the pine, while the mushroom will live with the grass.
This is one of the reasons many plants die on the plantation. The plant grows on “sterile” soil on the hill, and without fungi it needs great fertilizations and care. When we change it to earth, it has simple roots, no fungi ... And without special surveillance ... Fungi are increasingly used to support plant production. Cheaper and better plant.
The dust has lifted the actions of a group of strangers against a Kutxabank monoculture in the Urola valley. In this regard, ENBE, ENBA and GBE (Gipuzkoako Basozale Elkartea) offered a press conference. They condemned the fact and called for the perpetrators to punish it.
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