I like to criticise, from time to time, and sometimes I criticise it without seeing a show, because it is made in a village of that kind, because it is going to be discussed, or because I have woken up with such a bad mood. At the bottom, because I am.
Once again I will criticise what I have not seen, but not for evil. To anyone who wants to go into this subject, I refer to Antton Luku’s book on freedom, for I will mention it on the cover. This year’s masks have just left Idauze-Mendi and, as I never saw or heard in my short life, they have begun with a Mass. However, I thought it was a pagan rite and the carnivals were celebrated to turn the world upside down. I thought that power relations, if only for a few days, were used to destroy reds and blacks, characters from sonic masks. When my friend returns Luko's book (Lolüz!) I will confirm that.
I haven't seen the mask yet, but I trust that later, in the afternoon game, it was sent to the devil... but I have my doubts.
I have recently worked in class on Etxahun Barkox’s beautiful and touching cobla. The bad guy! The afflictions of the house began because of the creation of the “praube with beauty”, but in seventeen years she had entered the sea of misfortune, having to abandon the girl... [+]
Maule, 1892. Eight women from the Salazar Valley headed home from the capital of Zuberoa, but on the way, in Larrain, they were shocked by the snow and all were killed by the cold. Of the eight, seven names have come: Felicia Juanko, Felipce Landa, Dolores Arbe, Justa Larrea,... [+]
XIX. mendearen bukaeratik Lehen Mundu Gerrara arte xiberotarrek gutun bidez ukandako komunikazioa ikertu du Elorri Arkotxak Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan eginiko tesian.
Espartingileek ez dute nahi beste saldu uztailean eta ekainean. Turismoak beheiti egin du uda honetan Ipar Euskal Herrian eta supermerkatuek espartina gutxiago manatu dituzte.
Born 27 June 1944. The German soldiers carried out a raid on a small town of about 80 inhabitants of Zuberoa. Eight people died on the spot and nineteen were arrested, all civilians, nine of whom would be deported and only two would survive from the concentration camps in which... [+]