We have just had a worldwide spectacle of great political and media cynicism that discriminates against the dead according to the murderer. Some have been killed by jihadism in Paris and others have died in the Mediterranean, elsewhere in the world and in their workplaces. They were looking for paradise or the best living conditions and have been victims of the wildest capitalism. A demonstration led by political leaders of the world by the deceased in Paris, and absolute silence by others.
We believe that the jihadist attack in Paris has been serious and insane, and that subsequent mobilizations have been reasonable. But that doesn't mean that we have to forget about all the dead. In the Mediterranean, in 2014, some 3,000 people lost their lives. Since 2000, more than 22,000 immigrants have died in their attempt to reach Europe and since 1998, 6,000 in their attempt to cross the border between Mexico and the United States. 30 per cent are sub-Saharan, 23 per cent are from the Middle East and North Africa, and 25 per cent are from the African branch. In the French State, between 2008 and 2010, a total of 584 people were unemployed for this type of cause. Hundreds of workers in Hego Euskal Herria are being killed by asbestos in the last few hours.
Many of the leaders who participated in the Paris demonstration in defence of freedom of expression have chosen to take action against freedom of expression. On the other hand, these authorities have died in the Mediterranean, on the border with Mexico and on the border with the United States by policies implemented by them. They have committed suicide in the French State and have died of asbestos here. In addition, they want to deal with the jihadist attack by limiting freedom! “I am Charlie,” yes, but I am African, Mexican, Eritrean and Syrian, and unemployment and asbestos have killed me. Which government, media and citizens remember those dead? All the dead should be ours, even the jihadists. We are all responsible.
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