How to define the product that collects games, music, book, loose images…? That's what Denonartean's publisher offers us inside the brown box. Texts by Juan Kruz Igerabide, single images by Elena Odriozola and a CD with music, stories and recited poems, which combine the work of many choirs, musicians, interpreters, etc. I would define it as a surprise. A nice and nice surprise.
In the box there is a small leaflet that informs everything and invites the games: “This book is born from the memories of the rainy games of childhood. These images of Elena Odriozola were born playing rain with the texts. This music by Oihane was born playing with the sounds of rain. This recording was born in a game between friends, in a rain of the word party.”
This box of surprises is an invitation to the game of rain to play with the life that brings us to the world and brings us to its sea. We've met many children, parents and friends, to play by recording the texts, repeating them until we give them good, feeling the excitement of the word. We invite you to continue playing with this one that was born as a game of rain and life.”
And that's the box. The first song on the CD is a popular Kenyan song titled Badator euria; then a recital of texts and poems that appear in the book. In fact, the book is composed of stories and poems, Ur, who did not want to fall is that main drop of the book, but after several vicissitudes of that drop (and even interspersed in them), there are some poems related to the rain, mostly short, three lines, others a little longer: “LOOKING AT THE OTHER./ Instead of doing homework, you’re stunned/looking at the rain;/ dad, quietly, asks you to follow/ but the rain whispers better.” There are also poems that are mere metaphors. “Glass grasshoppers:/ Rain”; or those who take us to disadvantaged territories: “AFRICAN NIGHT AFTER THE RAIN. Eyes of the black girl/ full of stars; / The sky flies/ from far below.”
Along with these texts by Juan Kruz Igerabide, the box contains numerous sheets of Elena Odriozola; some in paper, others in plastic, “from the lightest to the most mardul and transversally”, so that we can play by uniting the two images, those in paper and those in plastic, creating different figures.
Water: The rain book is an invitation to read, listen and play a good job. It's also the creation of images, poems, stories and songs similar to the ones you've been here.
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